Monday, June 28, 2004

Update time.. n hopefully i'll make it short n sweet.
well.. not really sweet but short'll do 4 now.
Friday.. we got 2 invitations 2 a mercerdes exhibition near the rocks... DreAMGallery... me having no female targets 2 invite so i dragged Pat along...
When we rocked up.. waah.. it was like a surreal experience... cos there was a show on rite at that time... so we walked thru this long corridor with plasma screens showing the AMG logo... n it was pitch black with loud sympathy sorta music blasting away... when we get in the main entrance.. it was still all black.. n all i could see was scores of ppl with the silhouettes of sleek convertibles hidden amongst the crowds.. I was in shock... i was suddenly reminded of "Eyes wide shut" with Tom Cruise n Nicole Kidman... secret party 4 the rich n elite~!! WOW~!!
... n then the lights came back on n then it was just another exhibition. no nude dancers... no crazy zoo sex. boo. stingy germans...
But there was free food n free grog~! OMG~! I had my dinner there~ HAHAHA~! no joke.. i just scavenged satay sticks n prawns 4 dinner~~ it was fuckin nice 2~!! the prawns were sooo damn fat n best of all... PRE-PEELED~!! i had 2 grab 1.. eat it.. then come back 4 another... slow n tedius.. was 2 embarrassed 2 wat sum of the other bastards where doing.. which was pretty much set up camp at the table... :/ n free alcohol~!! i was driving soon.. but i couldnt resist... *had* 2 at least get 1 free beer~ :P
i was stickin out like a sore thumb tho.. sporting a black eye n pretty much being the youngest dude there apart from Pat... goddamn i could literally smell money wafting from most of the ppl walkin around that nite.
Highlight: We were outside cos i was having a smoke.. when i saw the 3 performers come out 2 the balconie 2... they had these 3 tiny, tiny boyish ( they had no asses n their breasts were so small i had 2 double-check 2 see if they weren't just mossie bites.. ) girls dressed up in silver tights n silver masks parading around with those... portable tent thingys... there is no way online i can describe wat they r, but yea.. just those bendy circle ring thingies with material stretched out that r sumtimes used 4 portable tents..
Well they were kinda freaking me out so i slowly edge away n i tell Pat:
"Lets bail.. n dont draw attention 2 urself.."
He gets spotted n suddenly all 3 of the silver midegets attacks him n starts wrapping him in their lil tents... ppl around were all laughin while Pat's head slowly morphed in2 a giant tomato with a fixed crooked smile...
We flee after that.

At nite we went 2 Gas... sth called Fusion..? mebbe..? We already had drinks at Pats b4 we rocked up ( Kudos 2 Nat, being the driver yet again... Huzzah! ).. First off. Pat goes 2 pee n after a sec i decide 2 go 2... turn around the buildin n see him holding his crotch n doin a lil dance in a circle.. he later tries 2 convince me that he was not in fact drawing smiley faces in pee but tryin 2 hide his dick from me...
... yea.. rite... Pat u offer ur penis 2 nething with an orifice...

Clubbin was... so-so... Many MANY leng leus that nite... but... means nothin 2 me since i'll neva look 4 a girl in a club... but thats y my nite kinda sucked.. ack.
Gwen n Charmaine was runnin round all nite, Yooke was off at times... n then got king po'ed when sum sleaze lifted up her skirt... n then gave her a creepy smile... ( thank god she didnt get groped this time... see girls?? club guyz r no good kids~!! )... Pat was off scoutin 4 chicks, n Nat was ... err.. busy~ :D
so i had 2 fend 4 myself..
Poor Jimmy. :(

That nite.. went bed at bout 5am... then woke up at 7.30am... 2 find Yooke still awake n playing solitaire on the computer~!! like wtf?? couldnt get back 2 sleep cos Yooke was distracting me... n so work was wheeeeeee~~~ with 2 n a half hrs sleep..
That nite it was Wilma's bday.. went 2 Pancakes 4 a small lil celebration thingy..
Bumped in2 Audrey n Catherine during dinner... but booo they didnt come visit us at Karaoke afterwards...
*sigh* ... the recruit 4 more night owls continue...
Karaoke was alrite.. didnt get as drunk as i would've liked... cos ran outta grog.. n no1 else cept Pat was drinkin lots with me..
Altho.. 1 thing... me n Pat were saying.. if they have a drink with us.. then that all that matters.. suddenly i'm all cheered up.

Dont look at me like that.. its not like i want 2 get every1 drunk.. its just... i dunno... symbolic... even if its a *tiny* amount of alcohol... its just that act of having a drink with me.. having a toast with me... i dunno.. more of a social thing..
So kudos 2 Phil, Bunko n Linh 4 having a drink with us...
Side note: bumped into Grace at Big Echo.. played sum drinkin games with her til she got po'ed at constantly losing n made me skol ( skul? skull? Cranium? ) half a cup of raw Jim Beam...
Nasty... i was so proud of myself 4 not just pukin that up straight up.

O yea.. n the bouncers.. haha they let me waltz rite in now.. no need 2 check ID n anal probing with metal detector~ huzzah! The 7/11 dude next door also knows us now.. :D

Went back 2 Pats.. n Nat, Tim n Yooke were all still up watchin videos... so started drinking again with Pat n its there that my memory fades 2 black...

Pat n Nat r gettin deported 4 Vila on thursday.. so that just demolishes all of my drinking buddies ... cept the korean, Yooke...
So if u're on holiday... n u wanna celebrate... give us a holler n we'll raid the city 2gether~ ;)

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Here's that foto that i was goin on about:

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Wow its been awhile since my last post.. ok now 2 update.. but i hate it when this happens cos ... i usually have 4gotten by now wats been goin on...
so i apologise in advance if this post seems 2 jump all over the place n tends 2 b random...

Cant really remember wat i did thursday.. so i'm not gunna scare myself n just assume that i did nothing~ :D

but yea friday nite... saw Sylvie n Jimmy again... at Big Echo... again... can't remember that much of that nite.. cept 1 good highlight was leavin the toilets with Tim... n then suddenly Jimmy calls 2 me n tells me 2 go outside.. Tim as well... i ask wats wrong n he goes "theres a fight.. i need u guyz 2... just need numbers..."
B4 i know it i'm outside with a bunch of asians facing another bunch of asians with the 2 bouncers in the middle tryin 2 cool every1 down..
i was just waitin 4 the whole thing 2 blow over ( started by sth like 1 of the other guys from the group called Jimmy's friend a fag or sth... ) where suddenly i see pats drunken ass stumble over 2 the other group which was talkin 2 Jimmy.. i hurry n haul him back while he was confused n still tryin 2 walk over..
He was convinced that he can solve this whole matter by goin over n apologising on the behalf of every1... i had a minor heart attack n jerked him back... explainin 2 him that... sumtimes we dont want 2 say sorry.. by saying sorry u're admitting u're wrong.. i know that there r certain circumstances u just have 2 b the bigger person n apologise even if u don't want 2... but that nite... if i was in the middle of an arguement... n suddenly outta the blue totters this half drunk dude in a t-shirt, shorts n semi-high socks ( yay 4 Pat's uncanny sense of fashion ) apologise 2 them on my behalf... i'd b king po'ed.
Kept havin 2 pull him back again n again but at least he didnt do nething stupid... n unfortunately nothin exciting happened that nite either.... *sigh*... we outnumbered them.. would've made the nite interesting~ :)
o wellz..

Last nite.. we were there again~! but more on that later..
Dinner was.... a headache... cos nite b4 i was at k... went 2 bed at like 3.30 or sth.. n it really did seem like i only just closed my eyes... n then suddenly my alarm was ringing... got my ass 2 work... n nearly fell off my stool 4 times in the first hour... n every time.. i get scared bright awake... but then within 5 minutes i'm noddin off again..
painful work... n had 2 semi-run 2 Meat & Wine at darling harbour.. which is not fun when fuckin cold n runnin from circular quay...
finally got there.. n turns out they just arrived as well...
n we ended up waitin nearly 2 hrs 4 our food... which was not fun at all.. cos i was very tired n very hungry.. n basically in a fuckin shit mood... haiiz~~~
theres more ranting on that... but... we wont get into that mess 4 now~ :D
Dinner was delay upon delay... the boiz rocked up.. surprisingly... but... they already ate dinner... hmmz... i was abit taken aback by that... cos.. this *is* a bday dinner...
( btw.. side note: i finally realise the dilemma with blogs... at times u can't post more deeper things... after u realise who reads ur blog.. :/ )

Karaoke~!! Big Echo again~!! We started losing numbers along the way... walkin from Meat & Wine 2 Big echo... numbers just slowly dwindled away... i dunno what happened~! it was like they were all randomly gettin mugged, raped or collapsing from exhaustion in the trek 2 karaoke~ :|
by the time we got there there was only a small bunch of survivors left... n kudos 2 Mel~! who i successfully managed 2 guilt trip into taggin along 4 awhile at k...
she's one that has been scarred by one too many "boy band" karaokes...
Got there n the bouncers.. who we just saw the nite b4... was searchin us..
As Pat puts down his bag... it lands with the *clink* of bottles hitting each other... not suss~! But luckily the bouncers were sweet blokes.. 1 of them.. 4got his name.. asks Pat wat he got in there.. Pat says "Jim Beam"... n the dude laughs n lets Pat go down no fuss not even search or nething~ Hahha~~ aiya... meanwhile im still up there gettin my ass probed by the metal detector~ :/
i HATE karaoke with boy band songs n lovey dovey songs... they're just soooo boring n i cant stand it cos it just totally annihilates the happy-sing-along atmosphere of the room~ thats y i made Michael drink with me every time i hear a chinese song on... :D muahaha~
By the time we left.. there was only Big jen, Lil jen, Michael, Jessica(?), me n Pat...
the bouncers were pretty sweet so i take a foto with them... just b4 the camera goes off tho... i think it was Pat who calls out 2 them:
"Btw he's bi"
so as a result i have a pic with 1 of the bouncers eyes wide with mouth open as in:
"Ohh shiiit"

N Pat... Pat Pat Pat...
in the span of 2 nites... he manages 2 demolish both my wallet n my face.
Friday.. he swings around the bag containin our grog n then breaks 1 of the bottles...
it floods his bag... as well as my wallet which was in there... i'm just thankin god my fone wasnt in there 2...
n then last nite... we were outside chattin.. n then the idiot decides 2 grab me by the legs n lift me up... but then pks himself.. with me in midair...
It was like a totem pole being pushed over...
Pat: 179cm
Me: 181cm
= Fuckin long way 2 fall~!!

me being drunk as well... wasnt able 2 stop the concrete floor rushin up 2 greet me.. as a result... my left eye got drilled along with several scratches on my face... Pat the bastard had less height 2 fall from so he copped a bleeding nose n sum minor scratches...
y me?~?? *note 2 self: don't hang around Pat when he drunk*

This morn.. woke up... n was like... wtf??? i could barely open my left eye... all swollen...
Chirpy Nat bounces in the room n announces that she wants 2 check out the damage that is my face.
She pulls the blankets down... n suddenly don't seem that cheery no more... she lets out a "awwwww~~~" that actually sounded abit sincere...
... N then she prods it a few times, b4 being distracted by sumthin shiny in the hallway n bouncing off again...
I think every1 felt pity on me.. i hogged MUCH more blankets n bed space than wat they usually allow me 2 that nite~ huzzah!
but then their pity died pretty fast... Nat demanding yum cha 4 lunch.. which means i have 2 reveal my mug 2 the public... go there.. n watch as ppl try not 2 stare..
The kids spent the rest of the day amusing themselves by laughing at my face wheneva they got bored.
100% remorseless no worries.

Got home.. n facing the music was not fun.
Mum: "Why didnt u call if you weren't going 2 come ho- AIIIYAAAAA~!!!!!!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!?!?!?!?!!"

At least my dad's reaction was beta...
Dad: "You're an idiot."

O wellz.. at least theres been 1 good thing that happened 2 me... I got a day off work 2molo 4 being ugly~ :D:D:D:D

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

yea that last post kinda sucked.. n this 1 is just a kinda spur of the moment kinda thing.. just wanted 2 get off my chest...
i dunno.. 1 of the absolute *worst* feelings i think a person can get... or rather... moods... or wateva it is u want 2 call it is when ... they start questioning their relationships... whether that b just friends or with a partner... i think mebbe its again related 2 my childhood n my phobia of abandonment n loneliness... n again emphasised by past history with friends n the dying of friendships.... but yea... one of the major things that hit me hardest is when i start ... mebbe thinkin 2 much about my friends... i dunno... sumtimes i try 2 take a step back n tell myself 2 not take it so seriously n if all else fails.. just see sum friends as ppl 2 have fun with n laugh with... but ultimately... i always fail n fall in deeper n grow quite concerned 4 most of my friends.. sumtimes even 4 ppl i haven't known that long at all.... n it ... cuts... deep... deep down sumthin cracks each n everytime i hit the realisation that.... they dont see it that way. they dont share the same point of view. Jimbo is just Jimbo. monkeyboi. the great entertainer. if in doubt, call jimbo.. u can rely on him... his friendship n support is available 24/7 wheneva in need n best of all..

its disposable.

Monday, June 14, 2004

okkaaay~~ long time no blog~~
but i am back.. n sleep deprived... so very sleep deprived... again... gak... :(

friday... went karaoke... long time no karaoke with the just the 4 of us... n were joined by Sylvie n Jimmy as well... Long time no see those bastards~! hiding at vanuatu~!
but yea... hmm... don't... know wat 2 say much bout that nite... cos.... i dont remember half of it...
which is scary cos usually i'm quite good at remembering even when drunk... but fri nite... i got MASSIVE holes in my memory... which is odd... cos i didnt even throw up... or get hung over... i woke up at 10am 4 fucks sake~!!
but yea.. Nat didnt drink cos she had 2 drive us ( muahaha ) so next morning i'm hearing all these stories from her... n its scary.
seems like we terrorised both Jimmy's friends n Yooke's...
Jimmy n Sylvie were scared n worried, 2 a point where at 1 stage they asked Nat:
"Omg they've gone crazy... r they ok~???"
Nat: "err... this is normal... :/"
same reply Yooke gave 2 Sachiko ( i have no idea how 2 spell her name~ :/ ) when she asked if we were gonna b ok...

but yea... hmm.. Nats tellin me stories of me literally chasing Jimmy's friends out of the karaoke... me not lettin Sylvie escape without a tellin her my life story n me harassing Yooke... :/
... good times~ :) :) :D

I do remember Pat pk'ing backwards on his ass n back tho, demolishing our table, spilling our drinks n buckets of ice with an ass crunching *smack!*...
Weird thing is... he had a deranged grin all the way down... :/
not normal.. that boy...
he found it greatly amusing the next day however.. the notion of him, half drunk, soaking wet n asking the ppl at karaoke politely if they had a mop... :|
they must've been thinkin:
"Ahhh fuck..."
Another highlight was Pat tryin 2 lure sum drunk girl in2 our room.. but then she got rescued by 1 of her sober friends.. who must've just seen a strange guy standing at the doorway of another room, beckonin his drunk friend 2 his room...
not good.
Pat 2 this day was convinced she was coming... i think i remember seeing her stumblin 2wards us 2... stumbling like a zombie with arms outstretched... n i think i remember hearing:
Pat: "Heey~!! wanna come in our room~??!"
Drunk random girl: "OK~!!!!!"
hmm.. i dunno.. mite've been sumthin totally different altogether... my memory of that nite is completely nuked.. n i have no clue y... i dun think i drank more than normal... n i didnt throw up.. so i dont get it~ :/

hmm... ok.... i'll come back n repost this blog again laters.... theres more i wanted 2 add.. but.. not in mood now... kinda tired i guess... strange.. cos i got halfway n then just.. yea.. hit speed bump...

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

A friend recently told me that she wanted 2 escape... she wants 2 go live sumwhere totally new... where no one knows her n she can start anew.
I can understand where she's coming from.. cos i've heard it alot.. n i also sumtimes feel the same way...
but.. i cant just pack my bags n leave... i have 2 much family n friends i have 2 leave behind ... n i just feel its so much of a sacrifice..
i can kinda guess y they feel this way... girls r dreamers... they dream of goin sumwhere new... where they meet this Mr. Right.. or a publicist scouts them out.. or sth...
but i've given up on dreams a long time ago...
I know i say it alot... but after awhile... as u grow older... the first thing u realise... is that... friends die.
Even friends that.. u thought were really close.. that u'll remain friends 4 a loong way 2 go... but... after the initial shock n anger ( i tend 2 have a bit of anger... cos ... u feel a sense of betrayal... that they obviously did not value the friendship as much as u did... ).. but then u kinda start understanding... that... every1 has their own lives... n sumtimes... different circumstances just make u drift apart... not intentionally...

after that.. sumwhere along the line... not always tru.. but ... u realise u gotta stop dreaming... n come back down 2 reality... life isnt as glamorous as hollywood makes it out 2 b... granted this isnt always tru.. but still.... its 2 much of a fantasy 4 me 2 believe that cliche: "Follow ur dreams... n it'll come true..."..

Sumtimes thru all this.. u just feel lost in life.... that is the perfect word 2 sum it all up in... "Lost"... u dont know where 2 go next... u don't know where u r in life.. u're just drifting along like a piece of wood in a river... weeks n months pass by without meaning.

Thats y.. u may see me over zealous about finding a girl... mebbe again this is just a dream... but i'm hoping.. that... when i find the one... that she'll b the one certain thing in my life... once unshakable fact that'll always b there... no matter wat... the thing that gives ur life meaning...

Friends die.
Dreams die.
But hopefully.. just hopefully...
*True* love lives forever...


Saturday, June 05, 2004

Ahh.. its 8.40... n i'm so fuckin tired..
It was Jean's 21st last nite... n at first... i had serious doubts about it.
They made me wait 4 a good 2 hrs b4 i could drink. Thats just plain cruel. Me n Pat rock up bout 8.30, n didnt get drinkin til 10.30..? They were having speeches n stuf.. n as they were talkin.. i could see her friends 1 by 1 leaving.. :| by the time they were all finished there was hardly ne1 left~!! I was spewin~ n 2 make it worse.. the ppl remainin sed they couldnt drink~!!
I was sitting there with my bourbon n cups in hand... contemplating not drinking altogether last nite cos didnt see the point nemore.. but then sum ppl came back n i sumhow persuaded more ppl 2 join me~ :)
N thats when it got fucked up. :/
It was a pretty sweet nite... turns out the ppl that bailed were Jeans sisters friends.. cos she was also celebrating her bday last nite.. so that explains it.. else i was thinkin "Wat dicks~!".. :P

Neways enuf ramble ramble. I'll just spit out sum random events of the nite:

Andy has a sweeeeeet ass ride~!! faark me dead i got car envy goin on~ :( :(
n he's officially terrified of me.. n rightly so... he moves surprisingly fast tho so i only got 1 good lick in caught on camera... :) Zi escaped unscathed surprisingly... lil breakdancer... hard 2 catch~ >:(
I love playing drinkin games with noobs... they keep fuckin up on the special rules.. especially the "no pointing" rule~ ahaha~~ :) :)
The fotos i got back were FUCKIN funny as shit~!! aww gawwd damn~!! the classic 1.. the best 1 of me.. literally frenching James... Jean's bf...
The silly bastard... just as dumb as Andy... I was gunna take a pic with Andy.. n Andy knowin i was up 2 no good turns n faces me n sez:
"I'm just gunna stare at u"
i go "Fair nuff"
n promptly lick his eye.
n as 4 James.. he thought he'll b a funny boi n get back at me 4 attackin every dude at the party... decides its not so funny when he finds out i was thinkin the same thing...
End result is a pic of me with my tongue forcing its way in2 his mouth... in the foto u just see my tongue lickin his open mouth n teeth... literally "pushing" *his* tongue back inside~ AHAHAHAHA~!!
Monged n a half.
His reaction was fuckin classic...
He backs off real fast with wide panicked eyes
"OHHH NOO~~!! OH NO!!! ohh nooo~~ thats terrible... omg..."
AHahahaha~~!!! he was genuinely traumatised...
n... scary thing is... i dont feel nearly as disgusted as i should... i thought it was rather funny actually... it was foul.. but funny~ hahaha~

I'm currently tryin 2 whack sum pics on 2 the web.. once i do.. u can all check out my many... many nasty drinkin fotos... sum funny.. sum disturbing... most just plain wrong.

No. I am not gay.
... just bi~ :P

n ANON IS JAMES~!! FUCKER~! How hard was it 2 tell me?? Gah~!

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Went 2 RTA 2 book test.. n Huzzah! no need 2 wait.. had the exam 4 P2 rite there.. n 4 sum monged reason... i passed~! :D
n later that afternoon... opened a bank account ( my first bank account omg~! ) n i got Jemyma back~! omg... when i saw her...... my eyes got teary... first thing i did.. was fill her 2 the brim with gas n then went nuts... feels amazingly good just 2 drive again...

Was reading Catherine's blog ( Kat )... n she posted bout me~! huzzah~!
Granted... it was bout how sick i was ( which i still think she has no right 2 )...
n Catherine.. u're in luck~! cos i'm 1 of those pricks that take these kinda things as encouragement~ :D N also considering this is wat u sed in comments:
Kat: "EW! GROSS~!... so how black is black..?"

Well i can tell u dun drink that much... cos ne experienced drinker will know that ( please god not let it b only me )... if u go apeshit at nite with grog.. then the next mornin u gotta have the mornin after shit. Its like black licorice n sumtimes there so much of it that it comes up above water level~ :/
There r also other drinking trademarks... like seaweed vomit... n then nasal spewing... n of course.. the grand finale... black vomit.
Nat even spewed blood once... now THATS scary. :/
... wats even scarier is that it didnt seem 2 stop us from drinkin again after a few days...
Bah! common sense is like, so overrated neways.
.. so r livers.

N i have another theory 2 add 2 the collection: We already know that asians have black nipples, no asses... n also now... dense faeces~!
I was talkin 2 my sis bf a while ago... n i have discovered that... its TRUE~!! Gweilo ( westerners ) shit floats~~!!!
I know cos i always see em at public toilets n discovered a few "mystery" logs floating around at my New yrs 2002 party... n i KNEW~!! no asian ass could *eva* have laid those eggs~!! The german had a theory.. its of all the rice we eat or sth... causes high turd density...

... interesting....

... well im gunna stick 2 my rice diet.. i prefer havin my slim line dense torpedoes... they just *slip* out n a *blip* later u're done no worries.. give ze ass a wipe n u're off... squeaky clean.
i've seen dem gweilo logs... n GAWD dayaaam i do not know how they get em out... :|
... i guess they look kinda soft.. kinda... porous... like a sponge... which i guess explains y they float. but then i'd imagine it'll make a somewat terrible smearing mess on ur backside, like squishing a soggy weetbix in ur fist... :/
If u're asian n u've been laying spongy chocolate bars... please tell me... outta morbid curiousity...


Tuesday, June 01, 2004



I think... my sickness is making me delirious~ :| :| :|
had the weirdest dream last nite.... it was 1 of those really vivid 1s.. like uber realistic... i think... that the last dream u have.. the 1 *just* b4 u wake... u're kinda conscious in it... cos sumtimes u can affect wat happens in the dream... ( these r my favourite.. cos u can fly~ hahaha~! ).. i'm not kiddin here... seriously... i've asked a few ppl n they know wat im talkin bout... n no. they dont do drugs.
wait they do but thats not the fucking point..
neways... 4 sum fucked reason... i was floatin in the sky... n the drifted in2 this open window... n voila theres a naked chick inside~! but 4 sum reason.. she was weird in that.. she wasnt wat i usually consider my "type"..
4 sum reason.. neva once saw her face... nor her head even~! just torso n body down ( kinda.. scary now that i think about it... ).. but yea~! she was tall n dark~! not like burnt stick black but dark like tanned... n VERY skinny~ :| :|
the only reason i know she was asian was cos of the black nipples~~ huzzah~!
but yea goddamn~!!! its times like these that i am so bloody thankful 4 sum monged reason or another i neva have wet dreams... else gawd damn i would've needed a mop... just recalling it now makes me...

... makes me...


*jerks off like a monkey on speed*


i 4gets where i was going with that... ahh fuck it... coughin like a dog... i think.. goin 2 karaoke on sat was a bad idea... i thought that bailin transmission ( ouch~ :( ) n goin 2 an old friend's bday at karaoke was beta idea since i was sick on medication... haii.. the sacrifices i make 4 my friends... especially when i heard from charmaine that last time transmission got so hot that the chicks started stripping...
neways.. rocked up 2 k.. n fuck me dead... they all speakin taiwanese... n singin taiwanese songs... n 4 sum fucked reason.. they started singing those really "lao tow" taiwanese songs.. like old fart songs.. i cant describe~~ ackkeky~!!! bRAin having seizure just rememberin those songs again... i was panicking.. so i hit the bottle.

1 hr later i was bubbling up vomit like a fountain.
... strange in that in my blurry memory... i recall dribbling vomit all over myself n demolishing everything... but next morn... my clothes were pretty much unscathed... altho i did smell a lil funny. :| but then again i always do so i cant tell nemore...
confusing. :/

N gold star 2 Jimbo.. 4 even when he's obviously still drunk from nite b4.. i still went 2 open shop that day~ :) huzzah!
n it was there that i not only did my regular morning after shit... with the black turds... but my urine had the hue n consistency of orange juice...
... pulped orange juice....


I gunna die young. :/