Tuesday, June 08, 2004

A friend recently told me that she wanted 2 escape... she wants 2 go live sumwhere totally new... where no one knows her n she can start anew.
I can understand where she's coming from.. cos i've heard it alot.. n i also sumtimes feel the same way...
but.. i cant just pack my bags n leave... i have 2 much family n friends i have 2 leave behind ... n i just feel its so much of a sacrifice..
i can kinda guess y they feel this way... girls r dreamers... they dream of goin sumwhere new... where they meet this Mr. Right.. or a publicist scouts them out.. or sth...
but i've given up on dreams a long time ago...
I know i say it alot... but after awhile... as u grow older... the first thing u realise... is that... friends die.
Even friends that.. u thought were really close.. that u'll remain friends 4 a loong way 2 go... but... after the initial shock n anger ( i tend 2 have a bit of anger... cos ... u feel a sense of betrayal... that they obviously did not value the friendship as much as u did... ).. but then u kinda start understanding... that... every1 has their own lives... n sumtimes... different circumstances just make u drift apart... not intentionally...

after that.. sumwhere along the line... not always tru.. but ... u realise u gotta stop dreaming... n come back down 2 reality... life isnt as glamorous as hollywood makes it out 2 b... granted this isnt always tru.. but still.... its 2 much of a fantasy 4 me 2 believe that cliche: "Follow ur dreams... n it'll come true..."..

Sumtimes thru all this.. u just feel lost in life.... that is the perfect word 2 sum it all up in... "Lost"... u dont know where 2 go next... u don't know where u r in life.. u're just drifting along like a piece of wood in a river... weeks n months pass by without meaning.

Thats y.. u may see me over zealous about finding a girl... mebbe again this is just a dream... but i'm hoping.. that... when i find the one... that she'll b the one certain thing in my life... once unshakable fact that'll always b there... no matter wat... the thing that gives ur life meaning...

Friends die.
Dreams die.
But hopefully.. just hopefully...
*True* love lives forever...



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