Saturday, July 30, 2005


Having one of those moments... where you were demolished the night before and don't remember jack shit... hoping you didn't do anything stupid.

Just woke up. Its 6pm and I'm still light headed. The little hanging flap of meat at the back of my mouth is swollen like crazy, which is odd because I'm pretty sure I was only drinking alcohol.
Did I accidently take some poor girl's spiked drink?

I don't remember the club at all. The only flashes of memory I have is me stumbling around the streets by myself blind and lost. I'm also pretty sure I was lying on the street ko'ed at a few different places. God knows where.

They wanna drink and sing karaoke at my place tonight. So not looking forward to it.
But its for Magra's birthday so I can't dog her.

I'm getting old.



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