Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Look at me look at me look at me!

Most of you should know by now that there was a meeting for about 35o CEOs from around the world yesterday afternoon at the Opera house, and also a protest of what was supposed to be a 10 000 strong protest group.

In truth 500 is already very generous. Most of them didn't seem know what they were protesting about any more than I do. Raving on about random things, jumping from anti-globalisation to Aboriginal land to war in Iraq.

It was only until today when they all congregated in front of my store in daylight that I saw why it was such a pathetic protest. Today there were only about 100 people; most of them young hooligans and goths, sporting dreadlocks, mohawks and shit for brains. The police were abit of an overkill, vastly outnumbering them with walls of coppers and dozens of mounted police.

Seems to me they were rebelling for the sake of rebelling.

Another bit of news of the day: Mr Rudy Giuliani came into my store with three "don't fuck with me" looking bodyguards. He managed to escape with his wallet unscathed. Fucker.

So far that I know of we've had:
Treasurer of Indonesia,
Princess of Japan,
Bill Clinton,
Some dictator or such from some part of Africa,
Many a random politicians from China and Taiwan,
Keanu Reeves,
and Sylvester Stallone's mother. Heh.

Pity the only one with photo is Keanu Reeves.



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