Tuesday, June 15, 2004

yea that last post kinda sucked.. n this 1 is just a kinda spur of the moment kinda thing.. just wanted 2 get off my chest...
i dunno.. 1 of the absolute *worst* feelings i think a person can get... or rather... moods... or wateva it is u want 2 call it is when ... they start questioning their relationships... whether that b just friends or with a partner... i think mebbe its again related 2 my childhood n my phobia of abandonment n loneliness... n again emphasised by past history with friends n the dying of friendships.... but yea... one of the major things that hit me hardest is when i start ... mebbe thinkin 2 much about my friends... i dunno... sumtimes i try 2 take a step back n tell myself 2 not take it so seriously n if all else fails.. just see sum friends as ppl 2 have fun with n laugh with... but ultimately... i always fail n fall in deeper n grow quite concerned 4 most of my friends.. sumtimes even 4 ppl i haven't known that long at all.... n it ... cuts... deep... deep down sumthin cracks each n everytime i hit the realisation that.... they dont see it that way. they dont share the same point of view. Jimbo is just Jimbo. monkeyboi. the great entertainer. if in doubt, call jimbo.. u can rely on him... his friendship n support is available 24/7 wheneva in need n best of all..

its disposable.


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