Thursday, July 14, 2005


Fucking shithead drivers in Sydney. Monday while having birthday dinner for Tessa ( Happy birthday btw ), some fucknut scraped the side of my car. I don't how they did it, cause it wasn't as if they reversed into it or ran into it while parking, just kinda.. slid into the side. When describing what happened to friends, it was pointed out that I kept referring to the driver as "she" unconsciously. My bad.

BUT I have a witness. He left a note on my car with the other cars license plate, and his phone number if I needed a witness. After talking him to abit to find out the details, he said it was a woman driver. *Sigh* He said their friend ( whom they were picking up ) just looked at her car, looked at mine, and then they all got the hell outta there.

There are thankfully no dents or major scrapes, just a few rubber markings and little scratches. If she had left a note explaining what happened, I wouldn't have minded, would've just let it be cause it can all be buffed out for less than $100.
But because she ran off like a dickhead, I have filed a report with the cops so now not only does she receive a fine for "Leaving the scene of an accident", but I'm going to get my whole car buffed and detailed for an additional $400 at her expense.

I bet she's asian too.
Hehe.. Just kidding..
Well, no not really.

Hurt my baby and I'll screw you over backwards.



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