Tuesday, June 01, 2004



I think... my sickness is making me delirious~ :| :| :|
had the weirdest dream last nite.... it was 1 of those really vivid 1s.. like uber realistic... i think... that the last dream u have.. the 1 *just* b4 u wake... u're kinda conscious in it... cos sumtimes u can affect wat happens in the dream... ( these r my favourite.. cos u can fly~ hahaha~! ).. i'm not kiddin here... seriously... i've asked a few ppl n they know wat im talkin bout... n no. they dont do drugs.
wait they do but thats not the fucking point..
neways... 4 sum fucked reason... i was floatin in the sky... n the drifted in2 this open window... n voila theres a naked chick inside~! but 4 sum reason.. she was weird in that.. she wasnt wat i usually consider my "type"..
4 sum reason.. neva once saw her face... nor her head even~! just torso n body down ( kinda.. scary now that i think about it... ).. but yea~! she was tall n dark~! not like burnt stick black but dark like tanned... n VERY skinny~ :| :|
the only reason i know she was asian was cos of the black nipples~~ huzzah~!
but yea goddamn~!!! its times like these that i am so bloody thankful 4 sum monged reason or another i neva have wet dreams... else gawd damn i would've needed a mop... just recalling it now makes me...

... makes me...


*jerks off like a monkey on speed*


i 4gets where i was going with that... ahh fuck it... coughin like a dog... i think.. goin 2 karaoke on sat was a bad idea... i thought that bailin transmission ( ouch~ :( ) n goin 2 an old friend's bday at karaoke was beta idea since i was sick on medication... haii.. the sacrifices i make 4 my friends... especially when i heard from charmaine that last time transmission got so hot that the chicks started stripping...
neways.. rocked up 2 k.. n fuck me dead... they all speakin taiwanese... n singin taiwanese songs... n 4 sum fucked reason.. they started singing those really "lao tow" taiwanese songs.. like old fart songs.. i cant describe~~ ackkeky~!!! bRAin having seizure just rememberin those songs again... i was panicking.. so i hit the bottle.

1 hr later i was bubbling up vomit like a fountain.
... strange in that in my blurry memory... i recall dribbling vomit all over myself n demolishing everything... but next morn... my clothes were pretty much unscathed... altho i did smell a lil funny. :| but then again i always do so i cant tell nemore...
confusing. :/

N gold star 2 Jimbo.. 4 even when he's obviously still drunk from nite b4.. i still went 2 open shop that day~ :) huzzah!
n it was there that i not only did my regular morning after shit... with the black turds... but my urine had the hue n consistency of orange juice...
... pulped orange juice....


I gunna die young. :/


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