Monday, June 28, 2004

Update time.. n hopefully i'll make it short n sweet.
well.. not really sweet but short'll do 4 now.
Friday.. we got 2 invitations 2 a mercerdes exhibition near the rocks... DreAMGallery... me having no female targets 2 invite so i dragged Pat along...
When we rocked up.. waah.. it was like a surreal experience... cos there was a show on rite at that time... so we walked thru this long corridor with plasma screens showing the AMG logo... n it was pitch black with loud sympathy sorta music blasting away... when we get in the main entrance.. it was still all black.. n all i could see was scores of ppl with the silhouettes of sleek convertibles hidden amongst the crowds.. I was in shock... i was suddenly reminded of "Eyes wide shut" with Tom Cruise n Nicole Kidman... secret party 4 the rich n elite~!! WOW~!!
... n then the lights came back on n then it was just another exhibition. no nude dancers... no crazy zoo sex. boo. stingy germans...
But there was free food n free grog~! OMG~! I had my dinner there~ HAHAHA~! no joke.. i just scavenged satay sticks n prawns 4 dinner~~ it was fuckin nice 2~!! the prawns were sooo damn fat n best of all... PRE-PEELED~!! i had 2 grab 1.. eat it.. then come back 4 another... slow n tedius.. was 2 embarrassed 2 wat sum of the other bastards where doing.. which was pretty much set up camp at the table... :/ n free alcohol~!! i was driving soon.. but i couldnt resist... *had* 2 at least get 1 free beer~ :P
i was stickin out like a sore thumb tho.. sporting a black eye n pretty much being the youngest dude there apart from Pat... goddamn i could literally smell money wafting from most of the ppl walkin around that nite.
Highlight: We were outside cos i was having a smoke.. when i saw the 3 performers come out 2 the balconie 2... they had these 3 tiny, tiny boyish ( they had no asses n their breasts were so small i had 2 double-check 2 see if they weren't just mossie bites.. ) girls dressed up in silver tights n silver masks parading around with those... portable tent thingys... there is no way online i can describe wat they r, but yea.. just those bendy circle ring thingies with material stretched out that r sumtimes used 4 portable tents..
Well they were kinda freaking me out so i slowly edge away n i tell Pat:
"Lets bail.. n dont draw attention 2 urself.."
He gets spotted n suddenly all 3 of the silver midegets attacks him n starts wrapping him in their lil tents... ppl around were all laughin while Pat's head slowly morphed in2 a giant tomato with a fixed crooked smile...
We flee after that.

At nite we went 2 Gas... sth called Fusion..? mebbe..? We already had drinks at Pats b4 we rocked up ( Kudos 2 Nat, being the driver yet again... Huzzah! ).. First off. Pat goes 2 pee n after a sec i decide 2 go 2... turn around the buildin n see him holding his crotch n doin a lil dance in a circle.. he later tries 2 convince me that he was not in fact drawing smiley faces in pee but tryin 2 hide his dick from me...
... yea.. rite... Pat u offer ur penis 2 nething with an orifice...

Clubbin was... so-so... Many MANY leng leus that nite... but... means nothin 2 me since i'll neva look 4 a girl in a club... but thats y my nite kinda sucked.. ack.
Gwen n Charmaine was runnin round all nite, Yooke was off at times... n then got king po'ed when sum sleaze lifted up her skirt... n then gave her a creepy smile... ( thank god she didnt get groped this time... see girls?? club guyz r no good kids~!! )... Pat was off scoutin 4 chicks, n Nat was ... err.. busy~ :D
so i had 2 fend 4 myself..
Poor Jimmy. :(

That nite.. went bed at bout 5am... then woke up at 7.30am... 2 find Yooke still awake n playing solitaire on the computer~!! like wtf?? couldnt get back 2 sleep cos Yooke was distracting me... n so work was wheeeeeee~~~ with 2 n a half hrs sleep..
That nite it was Wilma's bday.. went 2 Pancakes 4 a small lil celebration thingy..
Bumped in2 Audrey n Catherine during dinner... but booo they didnt come visit us at Karaoke afterwards...
*sigh* ... the recruit 4 more night owls continue...
Karaoke was alrite.. didnt get as drunk as i would've liked... cos ran outta grog.. n no1 else cept Pat was drinkin lots with me..
Altho.. 1 thing... me n Pat were saying.. if they have a drink with us.. then that all that matters.. suddenly i'm all cheered up.

Dont look at me like that.. its not like i want 2 get every1 drunk.. its just... i dunno... symbolic... even if its a *tiny* amount of alcohol... its just that act of having a drink with me.. having a toast with me... i dunno.. more of a social thing..
So kudos 2 Phil, Bunko n Linh 4 having a drink with us...
Side note: bumped into Grace at Big Echo.. played sum drinkin games with her til she got po'ed at constantly losing n made me skol ( skul? skull? Cranium? ) half a cup of raw Jim Beam...
Nasty... i was so proud of myself 4 not just pukin that up straight up.

O yea.. n the bouncers.. haha they let me waltz rite in now.. no need 2 check ID n anal probing with metal detector~ huzzah! The 7/11 dude next door also knows us now.. :D

Went back 2 Pats.. n Nat, Tim n Yooke were all still up watchin videos... so started drinking again with Pat n its there that my memory fades 2 black...

Pat n Nat r gettin deported 4 Vila on thursday.. so that just demolishes all of my drinking buddies ... cept the korean, Yooke...
So if u're on holiday... n u wanna celebrate... give us a holler n we'll raid the city 2gether~ ;)


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