Thursday, June 03, 2004

Went 2 RTA 2 book test.. n Huzzah! no need 2 wait.. had the exam 4 P2 rite there.. n 4 sum monged reason... i passed~! :D
n later that afternoon... opened a bank account ( my first bank account omg~! ) n i got Jemyma back~! omg... when i saw her...... my eyes got teary... first thing i did.. was fill her 2 the brim with gas n then went nuts... feels amazingly good just 2 drive again...

Was reading Catherine's blog ( Kat )... n she posted bout me~! huzzah~!
Granted... it was bout how sick i was ( which i still think she has no right 2 )...
n Catherine.. u're in luck~! cos i'm 1 of those pricks that take these kinda things as encouragement~ :D N also considering this is wat u sed in comments:
Kat: "EW! GROSS~!... so how black is black..?"

Well i can tell u dun drink that much... cos ne experienced drinker will know that ( please god not let it b only me )... if u go apeshit at nite with grog.. then the next mornin u gotta have the mornin after shit. Its like black licorice n sumtimes there so much of it that it comes up above water level~ :/
There r also other drinking trademarks... like seaweed vomit... n then nasal spewing... n of course.. the grand finale... black vomit.
Nat even spewed blood once... now THATS scary. :/
... wats even scarier is that it didnt seem 2 stop us from drinkin again after a few days...
Bah! common sense is like, so overrated neways.
.. so r livers.

N i have another theory 2 add 2 the collection: We already know that asians have black nipples, no asses... n also now... dense faeces~!
I was talkin 2 my sis bf a while ago... n i have discovered that... its TRUE~!! Gweilo ( westerners ) shit floats~~!!!
I know cos i always see em at public toilets n discovered a few "mystery" logs floating around at my New yrs 2002 party... n i KNEW~!! no asian ass could *eva* have laid those eggs~!! The german had a theory.. its of all the rice we eat or sth... causes high turd density...

... interesting....

... well im gunna stick 2 my rice diet.. i prefer havin my slim line dense torpedoes... they just *slip* out n a *blip* later u're done no worries.. give ze ass a wipe n u're off... squeaky clean.
i've seen dem gweilo logs... n GAWD dayaaam i do not know how they get em out... :|
... i guess they look kinda soft.. kinda... porous... like a sponge... which i guess explains y they float. but then i'd imagine it'll make a somewat terrible smearing mess on ur backside, like squishing a soggy weetbix in ur fist... :/
If u're asian n u've been laying spongy chocolate bars... please tell me... outta morbid curiousity...



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