Sunday, June 20, 2004

Wow its been awhile since my last post.. ok now 2 update.. but i hate it when this happens cos ... i usually have 4gotten by now wats been goin on...
so i apologise in advance if this post seems 2 jump all over the place n tends 2 b random...

Cant really remember wat i did thursday.. so i'm not gunna scare myself n just assume that i did nothing~ :D

but yea friday nite... saw Sylvie n Jimmy again... at Big Echo... again... can't remember that much of that nite.. cept 1 good highlight was leavin the toilets with Tim... n then suddenly Jimmy calls 2 me n tells me 2 go outside.. Tim as well... i ask wats wrong n he goes "theres a fight.. i need u guyz 2... just need numbers..."
B4 i know it i'm outside with a bunch of asians facing another bunch of asians with the 2 bouncers in the middle tryin 2 cool every1 down..
i was just waitin 4 the whole thing 2 blow over ( started by sth like 1 of the other guys from the group called Jimmy's friend a fag or sth... ) where suddenly i see pats drunken ass stumble over 2 the other group which was talkin 2 Jimmy.. i hurry n haul him back while he was confused n still tryin 2 walk over..
He was convinced that he can solve this whole matter by goin over n apologising on the behalf of every1... i had a minor heart attack n jerked him back... explainin 2 him that... sumtimes we dont want 2 say sorry.. by saying sorry u're admitting u're wrong.. i know that there r certain circumstances u just have 2 b the bigger person n apologise even if u don't want 2... but that nite... if i was in the middle of an arguement... n suddenly outta the blue totters this half drunk dude in a t-shirt, shorts n semi-high socks ( yay 4 Pat's uncanny sense of fashion ) apologise 2 them on my behalf... i'd b king po'ed.
Kept havin 2 pull him back again n again but at least he didnt do nething stupid... n unfortunately nothin exciting happened that nite either.... *sigh*... we outnumbered them.. would've made the nite interesting~ :)
o wellz..

Last nite.. we were there again~! but more on that later..
Dinner was.... a headache... cos nite b4 i was at k... went 2 bed at like 3.30 or sth.. n it really did seem like i only just closed my eyes... n then suddenly my alarm was ringing... got my ass 2 work... n nearly fell off my stool 4 times in the first hour... n every time.. i get scared bright awake... but then within 5 minutes i'm noddin off again..
painful work... n had 2 semi-run 2 Meat & Wine at darling harbour.. which is not fun when fuckin cold n runnin from circular quay...
finally got there.. n turns out they just arrived as well...
n we ended up waitin nearly 2 hrs 4 our food... which was not fun at all.. cos i was very tired n very hungry.. n basically in a fuckin shit mood... haiiz~~~
theres more ranting on that... but... we wont get into that mess 4 now~ :D
Dinner was delay upon delay... the boiz rocked up.. surprisingly... but... they already ate dinner... hmmz... i was abit taken aback by that... cos.. this *is* a bday dinner...
( btw.. side note: i finally realise the dilemma with blogs... at times u can't post more deeper things... after u realise who reads ur blog.. :/ )

Karaoke~!! Big Echo again~!! We started losing numbers along the way... walkin from Meat & Wine 2 Big echo... numbers just slowly dwindled away... i dunno what happened~! it was like they were all randomly gettin mugged, raped or collapsing from exhaustion in the trek 2 karaoke~ :|
by the time we got there there was only a small bunch of survivors left... n kudos 2 Mel~! who i successfully managed 2 guilt trip into taggin along 4 awhile at k...
she's one that has been scarred by one too many "boy band" karaokes...
Got there n the bouncers.. who we just saw the nite b4... was searchin us..
As Pat puts down his bag... it lands with the *clink* of bottles hitting each other... not suss~! But luckily the bouncers were sweet blokes.. 1 of them.. 4got his name.. asks Pat wat he got in there.. Pat says "Jim Beam"... n the dude laughs n lets Pat go down no fuss not even search or nething~ Hahha~~ aiya... meanwhile im still up there gettin my ass probed by the metal detector~ :/
i HATE karaoke with boy band songs n lovey dovey songs... they're just soooo boring n i cant stand it cos it just totally annihilates the happy-sing-along atmosphere of the room~ thats y i made Michael drink with me every time i hear a chinese song on... :D muahaha~
By the time we left.. there was only Big jen, Lil jen, Michael, Jessica(?), me n Pat...
the bouncers were pretty sweet so i take a foto with them... just b4 the camera goes off tho... i think it was Pat who calls out 2 them:
"Btw he's bi"
so as a result i have a pic with 1 of the bouncers eyes wide with mouth open as in:
"Ohh shiiit"

N Pat... Pat Pat Pat...
in the span of 2 nites... he manages 2 demolish both my wallet n my face.
Friday.. he swings around the bag containin our grog n then breaks 1 of the bottles...
it floods his bag... as well as my wallet which was in there... i'm just thankin god my fone wasnt in there 2...
n then last nite... we were outside chattin.. n then the idiot decides 2 grab me by the legs n lift me up... but then pks himself.. with me in midair...
It was like a totem pole being pushed over...
Pat: 179cm
Me: 181cm
= Fuckin long way 2 fall~!!

me being drunk as well... wasnt able 2 stop the concrete floor rushin up 2 greet me.. as a result... my left eye got drilled along with several scratches on my face... Pat the bastard had less height 2 fall from so he copped a bleeding nose n sum minor scratches...
y me?~?? *note 2 self: don't hang around Pat when he drunk*

This morn.. woke up... n was like... wtf??? i could barely open my left eye... all swollen...
Chirpy Nat bounces in the room n announces that she wants 2 check out the damage that is my face.
She pulls the blankets down... n suddenly don't seem that cheery no more... she lets out a "awwwww~~~" that actually sounded abit sincere...
... N then she prods it a few times, b4 being distracted by sumthin shiny in the hallway n bouncing off again...
I think every1 felt pity on me.. i hogged MUCH more blankets n bed space than wat they usually allow me 2 that nite~ huzzah!
but then their pity died pretty fast... Nat demanding yum cha 4 lunch.. which means i have 2 reveal my mug 2 the public... go there.. n watch as ppl try not 2 stare..
The kids spent the rest of the day amusing themselves by laughing at my face wheneva they got bored.
100% remorseless no worries.

Got home.. n facing the music was not fun.
Mum: "Why didnt u call if you weren't going 2 come ho- AIIIYAAAAA~!!!!!!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!?!?!?!?!!"

At least my dad's reaction was beta...
Dad: "You're an idiot."

O wellz.. at least theres been 1 good thing that happened 2 me... I got a day off work 2molo 4 being ugly~ :D:D:D:D


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