Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Little snippets of interesting conversations:

Jimbo: "WTF"
Spike*: "Yea no joke. She has it down there. He fucked her, and then she sucked him off. Voila! Yeast infection of the mouth."

Jimbo: "So is it like: 'UUURRRGGGGUEEERRAAAAARRRGGHH~~!!!... Ok now my turn!' ?"
Creepy eyed gay guy*: "It gets better with training."

C*: *Gives the finger*
Little black gay boy*: "Oh darling I can take more than just one finger now~"

1. Lost boy*: "I dunno.. Her pants were down and I was starin at it... didn't really know what to do.. kinda poked at it..." *shrugs*

2. Lost boy*: "Whats foreplay?"

Jimbo: "Yea its a terrible condition, but luckily us asians don't suffer much from it. Thank fucking God."
Cute little asian girl in Taiwan*: "I have black nipples."

Ricepot*: "Of course not on fucking purpose~! We were doing it without a condom, shes on top, and then just as I was about to finish she pulls me out and jerks me off. My mouth was open and FUCK... Who knew it'd shoot so far?!"

Greasy asian leb*: "No I'm serious! Pot fucks you up man, in ways you don't even think of. Good mate of mine, smokes that shit 24/7. Now he doesn't spoof when he comes!!"

Fob girl: "Ugh. I swear I don't mind if I never have sex again."
Fob girl's boyfriend: *Covers face* "Shame~"

These quotes were brought to you by Smirnoff.

*Names changed to protect the innocent.


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