Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Get out of town

Ack. Not meaning to be rude but goddamn these guests have got to go. I have been deprived of my cable internet for about two months, and now this previous week I had to share my room with my parents... and I'm only finally falling asleep when I collapse outta fatigue cos of all the tom-foolery going on downstairs.

The shitty old man's been carrying on with all his friends downstairs for the past week, living it up, playing mah jong, smoking cigars, drinking expensive wine and whisky, staying up not worrying about work cause good ol Jimbo's got things covered.

I'm in bed, face twitching, veins popping and every now and then I go to the top of the stairs and yell at them "Keep it down! Some of us have work the next day!!". Then they'll shush each at other and giggle while saying to my Dad: "Man.. you really need to get your own place..". Then after about 5 minutes they'll start getting rowdy again.

And when they actually do go to bed, its not much better. My top floor is host to 10 asian oldies, youngest being about 127 years old. Their collective snoring scores at least a 6.3 on the Richter scale. They could've at least bought their daughters along with them. Shitheads.

Actually its not that bad really, once their snoring gets into the same frequency. Kinda like being lulled to sleep inside a giant 747 jumbo.



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