Saturday, June 05, 2004

Ahh.. its 8.40... n i'm so fuckin tired..
It was Jean's 21st last nite... n at first... i had serious doubts about it.
They made me wait 4 a good 2 hrs b4 i could drink. Thats just plain cruel. Me n Pat rock up bout 8.30, n didnt get drinkin til 10.30..? They were having speeches n stuf.. n as they were talkin.. i could see her friends 1 by 1 leaving.. :| by the time they were all finished there was hardly ne1 left~!! I was spewin~ n 2 make it worse.. the ppl remainin sed they couldnt drink~!!
I was sitting there with my bourbon n cups in hand... contemplating not drinking altogether last nite cos didnt see the point nemore.. but then sum ppl came back n i sumhow persuaded more ppl 2 join me~ :)
N thats when it got fucked up. :/
It was a pretty sweet nite... turns out the ppl that bailed were Jeans sisters friends.. cos she was also celebrating her bday last nite.. so that explains it.. else i was thinkin "Wat dicks~!".. :P

Neways enuf ramble ramble. I'll just spit out sum random events of the nite:

Andy has a sweeeeeet ass ride~!! faark me dead i got car envy goin on~ :( :(
n he's officially terrified of me.. n rightly so... he moves surprisingly fast tho so i only got 1 good lick in caught on camera... :) Zi escaped unscathed surprisingly... lil breakdancer... hard 2 catch~ >:(
I love playing drinkin games with noobs... they keep fuckin up on the special rules.. especially the "no pointing" rule~ ahaha~~ :) :)
The fotos i got back were FUCKIN funny as shit~!! aww gawwd damn~!! the classic 1.. the best 1 of me.. literally frenching James... Jean's bf...
The silly bastard... just as dumb as Andy... I was gunna take a pic with Andy.. n Andy knowin i was up 2 no good turns n faces me n sez:
"I'm just gunna stare at u"
i go "Fair nuff"
n promptly lick his eye.
n as 4 James.. he thought he'll b a funny boi n get back at me 4 attackin every dude at the party... decides its not so funny when he finds out i was thinkin the same thing...
End result is a pic of me with my tongue forcing its way in2 his mouth... in the foto u just see my tongue lickin his open mouth n teeth... literally "pushing" *his* tongue back inside~ AHAHAHAHA~!!
Monged n a half.
His reaction was fuckin classic...
He backs off real fast with wide panicked eyes
"OHHH NOO~~!! OH NO!!! ohh nooo~~ thats terrible... omg..."
AHahahaha~~!!! he was genuinely traumatised...
n... scary thing is... i dont feel nearly as disgusted as i should... i thought it was rather funny actually... it was foul.. but funny~ hahaha~

I'm currently tryin 2 whack sum pics on 2 the web.. once i do.. u can all check out my many... many nasty drinkin fotos... sum funny.. sum disturbing... most just plain wrong.

No. I am not gay.
... just bi~ :P

n ANON IS JAMES~!! FUCKER~! How hard was it 2 tell me?? Gah~!


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