Monday, March 29, 2004

I watched a bit of "Popstars Live" 2nite... unfortunately... n it was... appalling..
i caught it just as these 2 dudes were singing... 1 of them was alrite... but his partner... had this uber-nasal n semi homo-erotic kinda voice~~ it was shocking~~ after they were done.. they went 2 the judges... who comprised of Christina Anu, Molly Meldrum n sum old skanky mother of 2... :|
wtf? Who the fuck is that old bitch? n Molly? wha..? n dun even get me started on Christina.. i mean.. who is she 2 judge?? she's no1~! n its not like she's been thru alot n had a lot of experience~!
neways.. i was expecting them 2 get chewed out... but they all praised the 2 assholes~! i couldn't believe it.. but then i thought mebbe cos 1 of the guyz were actually pretty good mebbe they balanced out...
next girl came on... i think her name was "Kiki" or sumthing equally retarded... n she proceeded 2 butcher this classic song.. i 4gets the name but she maimed it good....
i turned 2 the "judges" in hopes of sum verbal abuse n good old fashioned immature teasing... but they just all praised it~! Christina the dumb bitch told her that she was the perfect song choice n that she was the perfect person 2 sing it... n molly n that other bitch told her similar things~!! OMG~!!! They all kiss ass like theres no tomorrow~!!!! >:O
n thru out the whole thing there were series of irrelevent bits n pieces of ppls thoughts... like then camera goes 2 the backroom where i think the remaining contestants r n they say sumthin cheesy like a rhyme... n then cut 2 her talkin 2 yet another host who asks her how she feels blah blah blah...
i change channels n watch american idol ( yes.. i know.. i have no life.. but its a sunday nite n i just had work n i'm eating dinner.. wat do u want me 2 do? )... where ppl actually have abit of talent... n the judges r fair... but cruel if need b... that simon crean dude... i actually like him... the first dude.. the black guy... he's 2 much like "AAiiight DAwwg u KNOW u hit that aiight man chillout~!" n sum jibber like that... but hes ok... Paula Abdul... is a teenage bimbo with the attention span of a moth trapped in the body of a 43 yr old woman... she irritates me like spandex.
But Simon crean... he's a cocky n arrogant bastard... but... like dicko.. he says sumthing nice when they deserve it... but also gives them the blunt truth...

Later on during the commercial break i give popstars another chance.. n see this big maori looking dude who's previous job was probably a nightclub bouncer singing "I am beautiful~~ no matter what they say~~~"...

I am personally going 2 boycott Popstars Live n force everyone around me 2 do the same...
I hope they go bankrupt. i really do. i'm not trying 2 b particularly mean or nething... its just so they neva do this kind of thing again.

Okaaay~~ its official... the girls r dead n the bois r dying bad~~
the girls have been extinct a long loong time ago... seems 2 me that i neva even saw them that much cos at the time of their era.. i was busy with lisa...
Friday nite.. i met up with the bois 4 grub n sum mahjong... n it just felt.... "empty"... i dont really know how 2 describe it ... but i just felt so disconnected.. conversation was minimal n probably the only time i came close 2 laughing was when i choked on my chocolate milkshake ( i had a craving :| )...
haiiz.. i dunno y.. its strange.. they always take it as a form of betrayal.. wheneva i go out n there r girls within a 2 km radius of me... its been like this 4 eva... when i'm with a girl... they get bitter n angry.

It annoys me cos they accuse me of dogging them when i go out clubbin, drinking, or karaoke... but in the past i always asked them.. but they always refuse... aaaaages ago they have come out... but that was when they were all single ( cept bunko.. but he always acts single )... we used 2 go clubbin, drinkin ( well not so much drinkin.. they try.. but they only small so wat can u do? ) n karaoke.. but now that they all have gf's... all they seem 2 want 2 do is just bum around watching tv... i'm fine with that... but i'm still single n my attention span is practically non-existant.. so i like 2 spend my weekends drinking n clubbin n meeting new ppl who hopefully r not 2 mentally handicapped... n now when they call me 2 go over 2 bum n i'm already out in da ct.. they get po'ed... double-u tee eff mate?
They seem 2 ignore the fact that sumtimes when i dun have plans n i'm at home, when they do call me.. it *is* a fair drive from West Pennant Hills 2 Kensington... especially when i'm buggered n its already 9pm.. n they usually just watch tv til 11.30...
blah enuf of that...


Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Does smoking pot make you.... not smart...?


... fuck...

Bored 2day so decided 2 blog sum more bout recent events...
Been drinkin n goin 2 karaoke a retarded amount these days.. which is a scary cos i cant sing 2 save myself... mainly goin wit small bunch like Pat, nat, yooke n every now n then sum additives like Jeanna, nicole n sum random idiots... we've been pretty successful at gettin ourselves completely sloshed in da ct n then waking up at home wondering how we got home...

Yooke Jang's 20th Bday.. Thursday 11th March
We were at Greenbox.. n we had abit more 2 drink than we should have... nat n yooke were being idiots lookin 4 Leng tsais ( cute guys... sum1 tell me how 2 spell this rite.. )... we left the door open 4 abit n sum guyz walked past n the girls cheered at them... they immediated jumped on in our room~~ at first i was like aaalriite... no biggy... but then they stayed n started chattin up the girls.. which is fine.. until i saw 1 of the dudes arm travel from nat's waist down 2 her butt... at least she was still sober enuf 2 push it away... they didnt seem like they were gonna leave... n fair nuff... the girls were mucking around so i didnt do nething... meanwhile pat was steaming up like a kettle bout 2 boil.... after while he couldnt take nemore n just blew n launched out a huge:
The 2 guyz spun around n froze... with their fingers spread out like in the cartoons.... i burst out laughing cos it looked like 2 theives caught in the cop's spotlight... they kept apologising 2 me n i just kept sayin 2 them nevermind me its the bro they should b saying sorry 2... Lucky pat didnt see that they were tryin 2 steal our grog b4... they grabbed our Jim Beam ( note: DO NOT TOUCH OUR ALCOHOL LEST YOU INCUR OUR WRATH ) n was about 2 leave.. i was behind the girls n the instant i saw i stood up but luckily nat grabbed it off them... apparantly they were tryin 2 convince them 2 drink in their room...
They tried 2 amend things by askin pat 2 join their room... tellin him they got chicks there... they all leave 4 awhile... n later on they come back but pats still gone... i go investigate n find pat in a small room with 3 other girls sitting there stiffly... it was silent cept this 1 girl singing quietly... i go 2 him n say: "Dude.. err... u wanna go back..?" n he just replies "nah man its alrite in here..."
Later on he gets kicked out cos 1 of the friends went 2 find Yooke n asked her 2 ask her friend ( pat ) 2 leave...
Hahahaha~~ poor pat... rejected yet again... awww~~ ;) hehehe~ ~

Nathalie's 19th Bday... Saturday 13th March
First thing she tells me when i rock up ( i got there earlier ) is how shit the room is... damn spoilt brats.. it was at Star City... n it was a pretty damn big room.. with a maaad view... but she kept comparing it 2 Pat's room last year.. which was also at Star City... which was a Mammoth of a room, 2 storey with 1 side all glass with a incredible view n a spiral stairway 2 upstairs... a huge bath with a tv n even a sauna... there were like 5 tvs at that place...
Dinner was... interesting... it was El Porto ( wtf? ) underneath the casino, n it was 1 of those places where u save up 4 weeks 2 buy a piece of cow the size of a pea... it was nice.. but... pez. Um.. yea.... n i learned a valuable lesson... never let nat order the entrees... altogether i think she ordered like 5 dozen oysters... overkill n a half... i'm surprised i didnt end up with a permanent stiffy... :|
We go upstairs after kindly donating sum money 2 the casino out of the goodness of our heart... cept 4 pat who proceeded 2 rob them of $400... n yooke jang who tried 2 ride pats luck but failed...
The boys left shortly after.. b4 the drinking even started.. cept lil Ken.. who was stuck around 4 awhile with his wonderfish... I dunno.. i think they were shitty bout sumthin or rather... dunno.. they seemed odd from the very beginning of the nite...
Met sum of Nat's friends again... Charlene.. whos a spitting image of her sister... 2 the point that i thought it was Charmane til sum1 called her name... their cousin ( i think ) Gwen... whos a collection of painful looking piercings.. including this weird bullring lookin thing in between her nose... which i found *incredibally* distracting when i talk 2 her... Nicole who couldn't seem 2 obey the whisper rule 4 the life of her.. n Lina.. who demolished the cake with her bare hands... :|
Nats bday was pretty sweet... cept 4 the fact that Yooke n Nat didnt drink... n that i really tired n still had 2 go 2 work 2molo.. so called it a nite relatively early... bout 4ish.... Pat meanwhile went gambling n lost all his money behind my back... :|

N last nite... goddamn... went Karaoke.. started chattin 2 Chi ho.. who went 2 trinity as well n now working there.. so hopefully he'll 4give the mess we make... it wasn't like our usually happy-happy-joy-joy karaoke... emotions were thick last nite as Nat was bit depressed... which dragged the mood down 4 every1 as well... but still we managed 2 get drunk...
Highlights of the nites:
Yooke looking around confused with her finger in her mouth up 2 her BIG black ring n with her tongue sticking out...
Pat stealing Yooke's blanket~~
Nathalie finishing her filet o fish.. then grabbin the quarter pounder, holding it in the air n exclaiming happily with a big smile: "I'm gonna eat this no-Blerrrgh~!"
*drops burger n runs 2 toilet with mouth full*

err... i'm not quite sure how 2 end this rant... so i'm just gonna end with:
( referring 2 finalist Adam in "Average Joe" )


Me n my cousin Chog was discussing the adventures of gardening sum time ago... laughing n joking bout dumb n often near fatal things we've done while visiting Mary-Jane... He started talkin bout 1 of his mates whos a *heavy* user... we talkin bout breakfast lunch n dinner heavy.... the mate told Chog that he's cuttin down on his usage... when Chog asked y he explained that a short while ago... he was wanking, but when he came... nothing came out. That is... he had an orgasm... n no spoof came out.... He stared down with heavy lidded eyes n said:
"... shit..."
We both laughed our heads off at first... then the laughter kinda trailed off n we were left staring at each other looking kinda scared...

*quietly bins remaining stock...*

I'll leave with a recent quote:

Jimbo: "If it's up... why waste it?"

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I'm bored at home atm... its the time of truth 4 Pat rite now... 2nite i either lose my drinkin buddy or he comes back in more need of alcohol than eva b4...

Neways.... food for thought:

Sumtimes... u really like sum1... i mean... u really care 4 sum1... u want the best 4 them... especially when u know they've seen tough times... but u wont do nething or say nething that reveals ur true feelings 2wards them because it mite destroy the friendship... i've heard time n time again by female friends saying that they had heaps of close male friends time 2 time... but everytime it gets ruined because the guy does sumthin stupid by sayin that he likes her... n next time she meets him she feels very awkward n the relationship goes downhill from there on...
i know what u thinking... its worth risking because they mite have the same feelings back 4 u.... but what if u value their friendship so much that u rather support them n hope they find true love... even if it isn't from u..?

I'm dealing with being alone by substituting love with alcohol n drugs....

its actually quite funny really... especially when u mix them... just careful u dont OD... cos yea... dying is bad.... i remembered our toast pat~!!

Monday, March 15, 2004

I just read that last post.
N it stank.
I am so sorry.
It'll get beta... bear with me...

I'M BACK~!! OMFG~!!! I got internet back 4 once~!! jebus~!!! shiiit its been a fuckin long time... i finally feel connected with society now~!
N shit that was a long time from my last post.. gotta catch up.. but where the fuck do i start..?
Christmas n New years.... ok that was ages ago... i barely remember wat i did... got drunk with family... which was good... i wont go in2 nasty details cause frankly... i dun remember that much of it~~

But aaaahh~~ finally got connected back on internet..... since taiwan..

YES~!! TAIWAN~!! OMG TAIWAN~!! where do i start????
My fucking grandmother it was fuckin good~!!!

I didnt get 2 do much shopping.. pretty much not at all... but sall good.... i did nothing but eat... omg the food is soooo fuckin nice there... seriously... n SO CHEAP~!! Beef noodle soup~~~ omg... n soooo much u can eat 4 CHEAP~!! like CHEAP~!! we're talkin bout $8 all u can eat hot pot here~!!! I do NOT know how they can profit from that... prolly cos those damn tiny asians eat pez... :|
Another bonus: Every i look.. everywhere i go... i see asians..... goddamn that in itself made my trip worthwhile no joke...
Lunch $2... beer 85c.... pack ciggies $2.......
I think i drank bout 173 litres alcohol n smoked bout 3 forests~ :D~~

It just felt really... welcoming there.... i was born in australia but still... taiwan felt like... home.. n every1 was so nice 2 me... big THANKU 2 all the families i stayed with... I didnt know ne of them b4 i got there but still they were more than welcoming... treating me like part of the family... n also.. as an adult.. which is a welcome change from the typical asian parents... i smoked, gambled n drank with them... even tho they robbed me in broad daylight when it came 2 gambling...
just funny... we drink during dinner n my cousin's girlfriend's dad ( who i lived with when i was with Kaoshioung ) kept refilling my cup when it was empty... n they kept having toasts with me... 2 hrs later i went upstairs 2 watch tv leaving a ko'ed family at the dinner table~ :|

N chinese new year... the bastards may have robbed me when we play mahjong... but man... my lucky fingers get revenge when we play shibala or "twei tong tsu"... where u match the mahjong tiles... talk bout on fire... redeemed myself... in 4 days... we drank 11 bottles of whiskey... 3 slabs of beer... smoked 4 cartons of cigs... n i won $400 with $2 bets~ :) :) man chinky new year... revolved round gambling... then at nite drink... wake up 4.30pm... light up first ciggie n go downstairs 2 the sounds of mahjong ( they live n breath mahjong )... wash rinse n repeat...
Chao Ming Fonh Shui ~~ :D~~~

N one thing in taiwan.... All u can drink.... wat kinda suicide concept is that..? all u can drink $20 4 blokes n $10 4 girls... now *thats* crazy... man i think the owner was probably crying when he found the damage the next day...
That nite.. went with just Ray n Tom... met up with "Smelly foot Joe"... who i still neva drank with... the bastard... he always says he will.. but then has 2 drinks... n goes 2 me.. "Jim... i'm horny..."..... has another drink n then goes 2 me "Jim... u have fun... i gotta go now..."
aiya... supposedly he was a notorious casanova in australia.. so now he fled 2 taiwan 2 escape his reputation... n find more victims...
but yea... the nite was looking fairly bleak.. n even worse when ray got spotted out by sum old, old friends... he went 2 the side 2 chat n left me n tom 2 fend 4 ourselves.... well i have a motto ( pat u should know... ) "When every1 bails... have ur own fun..." so i proceeded 2 drink myself stupid....
After awhile... feel drinks down the hole i decided 2 get stupid social... started drinkin with every1 that said hi 2 ray... started chattin 2 every1 in my broken monged mandarin ( it supposedly sounds jap~ :| )... there were sum westerners there so started chattin 2 them... sum from brazil n sum from canada..
Canadians: "Fuck Australia~! Fuck Kylie Minogue~!"
Me: "Fuck Australia? FUCK CANADA~!!! FUCK CELINE DION~!!!!"
haha.. they were 2 chicken shit 2 say "Fuck taiwan" ;)
Went dancin 4 awhile... n when i got back 2 our table ( even tho.. we at this point pretty much owned the whole joint.. but im talkin bout the original table... ) there were 2 girls sitting there... intro'ed myself... 1's called Vivian her friend was called "Hamburger"... i know.... wtf?? dumb asians ... neways... started chattin in my mumbo jumbo... got sum drinks... came back n was left with vivian....
Which leads 2 say.... I love taiwan.... i can get a girlfriend sooo easily in taiwan... believe it or not.... cos they have this love of "ABCs" there... that is.. like Australian born chinese or american etc... so they actually love the fact that my mandarin sounds monged n i look... err... wats the word... thats rite- fucked up. I have felt a sensation in taiwan that i neva felt here ( stop thinkin dirty thoughts u nasty bitch... )... that is... walkin down the streets receiving stares n actually makin ppl turn around... n not just from guyz 2~!! i'm dead serious~! :O ~!!
Apparantly ppl there have a fetish 4 foreigner chimpanzees... Coolness~!!!

Neways.. Thats a whole pot load of jibber.. i know i know that wasnt particularly entertaining... cos yea i kinda just spammed u n didnt put much thought in2 it... so sorry if it barely makes sense... i'll post more interesting stuf soon... i *just* got my net back so yea im still checkin emails n msging n stuf... so kinda distracted... this is just a catch up post thingy...

New dirty controversial thoughts 4 2004 coming VERY SOON~!! HOORAY~!!!