Monday, March 29, 2004

I watched a bit of "Popstars Live" 2nite... unfortunately... n it was... appalling..
i caught it just as these 2 dudes were singing... 1 of them was alrite... but his partner... had this uber-nasal n semi homo-erotic kinda voice~~ it was shocking~~ after they were done.. they went 2 the judges... who comprised of Christina Anu, Molly Meldrum n sum old skanky mother of 2... :|
wtf? Who the fuck is that old bitch? n Molly? wha..? n dun even get me started on Christina.. i mean.. who is she 2 judge?? she's no1~! n its not like she's been thru alot n had a lot of experience~!
neways.. i was expecting them 2 get chewed out... but they all praised the 2 assholes~! i couldn't believe it.. but then i thought mebbe cos 1 of the guyz were actually pretty good mebbe they balanced out...
next girl came on... i think her name was "Kiki" or sumthing equally retarded... n she proceeded 2 butcher this classic song.. i 4gets the name but she maimed it good....
i turned 2 the "judges" in hopes of sum verbal abuse n good old fashioned immature teasing... but they just all praised it~! Christina the dumb bitch told her that she was the perfect song choice n that she was the perfect person 2 sing it... n molly n that other bitch told her similar things~!! OMG~!!! They all kiss ass like theres no tomorrow~!!!! >:O
n thru out the whole thing there were series of irrelevent bits n pieces of ppls thoughts... like then camera goes 2 the backroom where i think the remaining contestants r n they say sumthin cheesy like a rhyme... n then cut 2 her talkin 2 yet another host who asks her how she feels blah blah blah...
i change channels n watch american idol ( yes.. i know.. i have no life.. but its a sunday nite n i just had work n i'm eating dinner.. wat do u want me 2 do? )... where ppl actually have abit of talent... n the judges r fair... but cruel if need b... that simon crean dude... i actually like him... the first dude.. the black guy... he's 2 much like "AAiiight DAwwg u KNOW u hit that aiight man chillout~!" n sum jibber like that... but hes ok... Paula Abdul... is a teenage bimbo with the attention span of a moth trapped in the body of a 43 yr old woman... she irritates me like spandex.
But Simon crean... he's a cocky n arrogant bastard... but... like dicko.. he says sumthing nice when they deserve it... but also gives them the blunt truth...

Later on during the commercial break i give popstars another chance.. n see this big maori looking dude who's previous job was probably a nightclub bouncer singing "I am beautiful~~ no matter what they say~~~"...

I am personally going 2 boycott Popstars Live n force everyone around me 2 do the same...
I hope they go bankrupt. i really do. i'm not trying 2 b particularly mean or nething... its just so they neva do this kind of thing again.


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