Wednesday, March 17, 2004


Me n my cousin Chog was discussing the adventures of gardening sum time ago... laughing n joking bout dumb n often near fatal things we've done while visiting Mary-Jane... He started talkin bout 1 of his mates whos a *heavy* user... we talkin bout breakfast lunch n dinner heavy.... the mate told Chog that he's cuttin down on his usage... when Chog asked y he explained that a short while ago... he was wanking, but when he came... nothing came out. That is... he had an orgasm... n no spoof came out.... He stared down with heavy lidded eyes n said:
"... shit..."
We both laughed our heads off at first... then the laughter kinda trailed off n we were left staring at each other looking kinda scared...

*quietly bins remaining stock...*

I'll leave with a recent quote:

Jimbo: "If it's up... why waste it?"


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