Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I'm bored at home atm... its the time of truth 4 Pat rite now... 2nite i either lose my drinkin buddy or he comes back in more need of alcohol than eva b4...

Neways.... food for thought:

Sumtimes... u really like sum1... i mean... u really care 4 sum1... u want the best 4 them... especially when u know they've seen tough times... but u wont do nething or say nething that reveals ur true feelings 2wards them because it mite destroy the friendship... i've heard time n time again by female friends saying that they had heaps of close male friends time 2 time... but everytime it gets ruined because the guy does sumthin stupid by sayin that he likes her... n next time she meets him she feels very awkward n the relationship goes downhill from there on...
i know what u thinking... its worth risking because they mite have the same feelings back 4 u.... but what if u value their friendship so much that u rather support them n hope they find true love... even if it isn't from u..?

I'm dealing with being alone by substituting love with alcohol n drugs....

its actually quite funny really... especially when u mix them... just careful u dont OD... cos yea... dying is bad.... i remembered our toast pat~!!


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