Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Bored 2day so decided 2 blog sum more bout recent events...
Been drinkin n goin 2 karaoke a retarded amount these days.. which is a scary cos i cant sing 2 save myself... mainly goin wit small bunch like Pat, nat, yooke n every now n then sum additives like Jeanna, nicole n sum random idiots... we've been pretty successful at gettin ourselves completely sloshed in da ct n then waking up at home wondering how we got home...

Yooke Jang's 20th Bday.. Thursday 11th March
We were at Greenbox.. n we had abit more 2 drink than we should have... nat n yooke were being idiots lookin 4 Leng tsais ( cute guys... sum1 tell me how 2 spell this rite.. )... we left the door open 4 abit n sum guyz walked past n the girls cheered at them... they immediated jumped on in our room~~ at first i was like aaalriite... no biggy... but then they stayed n started chattin up the girls.. which is fine.. until i saw 1 of the dudes arm travel from nat's waist down 2 her butt... at least she was still sober enuf 2 push it away... they didnt seem like they were gonna leave... n fair nuff... the girls were mucking around so i didnt do nething... meanwhile pat was steaming up like a kettle bout 2 boil.... after while he couldnt take nemore n just blew n launched out a huge:
The 2 guyz spun around n froze... with their fingers spread out like in the cartoons.... i burst out laughing cos it looked like 2 theives caught in the cop's spotlight... they kept apologising 2 me n i just kept sayin 2 them nevermind me its the bro they should b saying sorry 2... Lucky pat didnt see that they were tryin 2 steal our grog b4... they grabbed our Jim Beam ( note: DO NOT TOUCH OUR ALCOHOL LEST YOU INCUR OUR WRATH ) n was about 2 leave.. i was behind the girls n the instant i saw i stood up but luckily nat grabbed it off them... apparantly they were tryin 2 convince them 2 drink in their room...
They tried 2 amend things by askin pat 2 join their room... tellin him they got chicks there... they all leave 4 awhile... n later on they come back but pats still gone... i go investigate n find pat in a small room with 3 other girls sitting there stiffly... it was silent cept this 1 girl singing quietly... i go 2 him n say: "Dude.. err... u wanna go back..?" n he just replies "nah man its alrite in here..."
Later on he gets kicked out cos 1 of the friends went 2 find Yooke n asked her 2 ask her friend ( pat ) 2 leave...
Hahahaha~~ poor pat... rejected yet again... awww~~ ;) hehehe~ ~

Nathalie's 19th Bday... Saturday 13th March
First thing she tells me when i rock up ( i got there earlier ) is how shit the room is... damn spoilt brats.. it was at Star City... n it was a pretty damn big room.. with a maaad view... but she kept comparing it 2 Pat's room last year.. which was also at Star City... which was a Mammoth of a room, 2 storey with 1 side all glass with a incredible view n a spiral stairway 2 upstairs... a huge bath with a tv n even a sauna... there were like 5 tvs at that place...
Dinner was... interesting... it was El Porto ( wtf? ) underneath the casino, n it was 1 of those places where u save up 4 weeks 2 buy a piece of cow the size of a pea... it was nice.. but... pez. Um.. yea.... n i learned a valuable lesson... never let nat order the entrees... altogether i think she ordered like 5 dozen oysters... overkill n a half... i'm surprised i didnt end up with a permanent stiffy... :|
We go upstairs after kindly donating sum money 2 the casino out of the goodness of our heart... cept 4 pat who proceeded 2 rob them of $400... n yooke jang who tried 2 ride pats luck but failed...
The boys left shortly after.. b4 the drinking even started.. cept lil Ken.. who was stuck around 4 awhile with his wonderfish... I dunno.. i think they were shitty bout sumthin or rather... dunno.. they seemed odd from the very beginning of the nite...
Met sum of Nat's friends again... Charlene.. whos a spitting image of her sister... 2 the point that i thought it was Charmane til sum1 called her name... their cousin ( i think ) Gwen... whos a collection of painful looking piercings.. including this weird bullring lookin thing in between her nose... which i found *incredibally* distracting when i talk 2 her... Nicole who couldn't seem 2 obey the whisper rule 4 the life of her.. n Lina.. who demolished the cake with her bare hands... :|
Nats bday was pretty sweet... cept 4 the fact that Yooke n Nat didnt drink... n that i really tired n still had 2 go 2 work 2molo.. so called it a nite relatively early... bout 4ish.... Pat meanwhile went gambling n lost all his money behind my back... :|

N last nite... goddamn... went Karaoke.. started chattin 2 Chi ho.. who went 2 trinity as well n now working there.. so hopefully he'll 4give the mess we make... it wasn't like our usually happy-happy-joy-joy karaoke... emotions were thick last nite as Nat was bit depressed... which dragged the mood down 4 every1 as well... but still we managed 2 get drunk...
Highlights of the nites:
Yooke looking around confused with her finger in her mouth up 2 her BIG black ring n with her tongue sticking out...
Pat stealing Yooke's blanket~~
Nathalie finishing her filet o fish.. then grabbin the quarter pounder, holding it in the air n exclaiming happily with a big smile: "I'm gonna eat this no-Blerrrgh~!"
*drops burger n runs 2 toilet with mouth full*

err... i'm not quite sure how 2 end this rant... so i'm just gonna end with:
( referring 2 finalist Adam in "Average Joe" )


At 11:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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