Monday, March 15, 2004

I'M BACK~!! OMFG~!!! I got internet back 4 once~!! jebus~!!! shiiit its been a fuckin long time... i finally feel connected with society now~!
N shit that was a long time from my last post.. gotta catch up.. but where the fuck do i start..?
Christmas n New years.... ok that was ages ago... i barely remember wat i did... got drunk with family... which was good... i wont go in2 nasty details cause frankly... i dun remember that much of it~~

But aaaahh~~ finally got connected back on internet..... since taiwan..

YES~!! TAIWAN~!! OMG TAIWAN~!! where do i start????
My fucking grandmother it was fuckin good~!!!

I didnt get 2 do much shopping.. pretty much not at all... but sall good.... i did nothing but eat... omg the food is soooo fuckin nice there... seriously... n SO CHEAP~!! Beef noodle soup~~~ omg... n soooo much u can eat 4 CHEAP~!! like CHEAP~!! we're talkin bout $8 all u can eat hot pot here~!!! I do NOT know how they can profit from that... prolly cos those damn tiny asians eat pez... :|
Another bonus: Every i look.. everywhere i go... i see asians..... goddamn that in itself made my trip worthwhile no joke...
Lunch $2... beer 85c.... pack ciggies $2.......
I think i drank bout 173 litres alcohol n smoked bout 3 forests~ :D~~

It just felt really... welcoming there.... i was born in australia but still... taiwan felt like... home.. n every1 was so nice 2 me... big THANKU 2 all the families i stayed with... I didnt know ne of them b4 i got there but still they were more than welcoming... treating me like part of the family... n also.. as an adult.. which is a welcome change from the typical asian parents... i smoked, gambled n drank with them... even tho they robbed me in broad daylight when it came 2 gambling...
just funny... we drink during dinner n my cousin's girlfriend's dad ( who i lived with when i was with Kaoshioung ) kept refilling my cup when it was empty... n they kept having toasts with me... 2 hrs later i went upstairs 2 watch tv leaving a ko'ed family at the dinner table~ :|

N chinese new year... the bastards may have robbed me when we play mahjong... but man... my lucky fingers get revenge when we play shibala or "twei tong tsu"... where u match the mahjong tiles... talk bout on fire... redeemed myself... in 4 days... we drank 11 bottles of whiskey... 3 slabs of beer... smoked 4 cartons of cigs... n i won $400 with $2 bets~ :) :) man chinky new year... revolved round gambling... then at nite drink... wake up 4.30pm... light up first ciggie n go downstairs 2 the sounds of mahjong ( they live n breath mahjong )... wash rinse n repeat...
Chao Ming Fonh Shui ~~ :D~~~

N one thing in taiwan.... All u can drink.... wat kinda suicide concept is that..? all u can drink $20 4 blokes n $10 4 girls... now *thats* crazy... man i think the owner was probably crying when he found the damage the next day...
That nite.. went with just Ray n Tom... met up with "Smelly foot Joe"... who i still neva drank with... the bastard... he always says he will.. but then has 2 drinks... n goes 2 me.. "Jim... i'm horny..."..... has another drink n then goes 2 me "Jim... u have fun... i gotta go now..."
aiya... supposedly he was a notorious casanova in australia.. so now he fled 2 taiwan 2 escape his reputation... n find more victims...
but yea... the nite was looking fairly bleak.. n even worse when ray got spotted out by sum old, old friends... he went 2 the side 2 chat n left me n tom 2 fend 4 ourselves.... well i have a motto ( pat u should know... ) "When every1 bails... have ur own fun..." so i proceeded 2 drink myself stupid....
After awhile... feel drinks down the hole i decided 2 get stupid social... started drinkin with every1 that said hi 2 ray... started chattin 2 every1 in my broken monged mandarin ( it supposedly sounds jap~ :| )... there were sum westerners there so started chattin 2 them... sum from brazil n sum from canada..
Canadians: "Fuck Australia~! Fuck Kylie Minogue~!"
Me: "Fuck Australia? FUCK CANADA~!!! FUCK CELINE DION~!!!!"
haha.. they were 2 chicken shit 2 say "Fuck taiwan" ;)
Went dancin 4 awhile... n when i got back 2 our table ( even tho.. we at this point pretty much owned the whole joint.. but im talkin bout the original table... ) there were 2 girls sitting there... intro'ed myself... 1's called Vivian her friend was called "Hamburger"... i know.... wtf?? dumb asians ... neways... started chattin in my mumbo jumbo... got sum drinks... came back n was left with vivian....
Which leads 2 say.... I love taiwan.... i can get a girlfriend sooo easily in taiwan... believe it or not.... cos they have this love of "ABCs" there... that is.. like Australian born chinese or american etc... so they actually love the fact that my mandarin sounds monged n i look... err... wats the word... thats rite- fucked up. I have felt a sensation in taiwan that i neva felt here ( stop thinkin dirty thoughts u nasty bitch... )... that is... walkin down the streets receiving stares n actually makin ppl turn around... n not just from guyz 2~!! i'm dead serious~! :O ~!!
Apparantly ppl there have a fetish 4 foreigner chimpanzees... Coolness~!!!

Neways.. Thats a whole pot load of jibber.. i know i know that wasnt particularly entertaining... cos yea i kinda just spammed u n didnt put much thought in2 it... so sorry if it barely makes sense... i'll post more interesting stuf soon... i *just* got my net back so yea im still checkin emails n msging n stuf... so kinda distracted... this is just a catch up post thingy...

New dirty controversial thoughts 4 2004 coming VERY SOON~!! HOORAY~!!!


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