Sunday, June 30, 2002

Ooee complained 2 me.. called me an idiot n told me just because her ass is hairy it doesn't necessarily mean her rectum is too... my bad... n *yes* i do know what the rectum is~~ :Þ

N OMFG~!! I can't believe that Korea vs Turkey game... they fuckin scored within 15 seconds~!! I just sat there watching... my dad's jaw literally dropped... but i was still just watching calmly... i was waiting 4 the whistle... cos... that couldn't b right... it just had 2 b a mistake... it was only after i saw the scoreboard did i lunge at the tv screen armed with my toenails...
Korea... *sigh*... no, the asian teams in general r good at gettin possession n then heading out 2 the box... BUT... thats when they lose the plot n just pass the ball here n there... hesitating n dunno what 2 do... they're 2 scared 2 just charge n go 4 glory... n wheneva it comes 2 a confrontation between a westerner n a chink... the chink always slows down n lets the westerner get it... cos i reckon they abit intimidated by them... Also.. the asians dun have enuf stamina... in the beginning they were quicker always... but now in the Turkey game u can c they had no hope of outrunning da damn Turks...
Another thing... chinks can't shoot... cos... not enuf power... if they want power.. they have 2 use all of their power... n then the ball goes flying.. if they shoot 4 accuracy... its usually 2 soft~~ so screwed~~ >:(
Farrk!! n that offside goal... FUCK OFF!!! >:(
O wellz... Koread did really well... played really well but just got fatigued at the end methinks...

Wat happened 2day..? Woke 12, went 2 yumcha wit sis, where we got *abit* greedy... well.. actually.. thats a *gross* understatement... we pretty much demolished everything in our wake... i burped "Sao mai" all day... : |
Then went 2 Phil's 2 watch a breakdancing video... laughed at the ppl doing the things... then cried when failed horribly tryin 2 imitate them.. came home 4 dinner wit Daniel, a family friend.. n then blew an artery watching Korea game..

o wellz..
... even tho.. koreans... aiya... not much beta~~ ;)

sorry... couldn't hold it back...
n Yay~! XÞ <-- new face by Jean~!~!!! :D ( not u bunko~ )
btw... I am SOOOO gunna die like a dog if sum1 finds out where i live... but in da meantime... SCREW U'S ALL~! AHAH~!

Friday, June 28, 2002

OMG~!! I lost another 1 of my posts~~!! I type up this hugeass fucking thing... n then it fucks up n I gotta log in again~!! AAARRGGHH~!!!! *Flails limbs wildly... mouth starts frothing, shits blood foam dribbles out of dick...*

*sigh*... I'm over it now... what did I say again..?
Chocster has a recent post about how come no1 seems 2 talk about positive stuf on blogs... instead only seem 2 post on their bad days... she goes in2 sum detail explaining her theories n stuf... but really, its quite easy 2 explain...
Here; which would u prefer 2 read?

"2day when I woke up I was feeling really happy so after brushing my teeth I went 4 a quaint little walk in the park."

... Or...

"2day when I woke up I was feeling particularly morbid so I didn't brush my teeth. I mutilated my left testicle with a screwdriver instead."

.. u decide...
its obvious isn't it? The sunshine 1 is much better. U sick bastard. U were thinking about the 2nd sentence weren't u?? U like the idea of slicing scrotums~!! U sick fucker... u really should b locked up...

But since u r'nt, gimme ur opinion... is it annoying reading my abbreviations such as "n" 4 "and", "2nite" 4 "tonight n "I" 4 "George the wonderful dancing monkey"?
Please post me a response... I won't change the way I type.. cos I don't reallly care.. but just curious... muaha~ ;)
nah jking.. pls comment..

P.S Ooee has a hairy rectum...
... shh...
... tell no one...

FUCKIN HELL~!!! I HATE THIS PIECE OF SHIT~! it keeps fuckin up on me~!! i keep losing my typed up post wheneva i try 2 post~!! >:( goddamit~!
*sigh* here we go again....
A big thanku 2 Ooee, who helped me *heaps* gettin this piece of llama shit working... she added a comment 4 me 2... so post me a msg please u dirty hoes out there~~ muaha~ ;)
N fark... got headraped 2day.. i went 2 "Cocomb"... on george st... Phil managed 2 convince me even tho i was telling him that the the idea of hair being short is foreign 2 koreans...
i went neways... n i swear that the chick that they sent 2 cut my hair must've been the next in line or sumthing... cos she was beyond lost... she had no clue what 2 do. I had 2 guide her way thru everything... she didnt know where 2 cut nor how short. After she cut the top of my hair, she was about 2 leave.. even tho my sides were untouched~! so my top was *really* short... n long sides~! ( King mullet I am thee ) i called her back n she cut off 1cm... i bitched sum more so she attacked it n so now i'm here sitting here in front of my computer with my raped skull... :|
Argh~! i know i'm ranting.. but just that... fark waste ma money.. not 2 mention that she cut off most of my dye n also, all of my shiny bits~~ <:~(

Screw it. Change topic. What else happened 2day..? Bought soccerball, kicked it around in a park. Chris lost his godly equipment in Diablo2. Phil is practicing Cs 4 Sgl comp on Sat. Jean is studying. Pat likes penis n Wilma found out he was pregnant.
Just ur average day really...

Thursday, June 27, 2002

Ooee just told me that she doesnt want me 2 refer 2 her wit her real name... n starbitz prefers 2 b called "Chocolate Monster"... even tho its retardedly long n annoying 2 type out...
OK fine by me... in that case i want u 2 refer 2 me as "George da wonderful dancing monkey"...
n Chocolate monster..? man... i'm just gunna refer 2 u as "Chocster" from now on hows that..?

Yes, after my last post u can c that i'm rather bad at this blog stuf... i dunno y the hell i bother.. tried it once b4... gave up... n now back.. cos another friend made 1... hence the *looong* gap inbetween the posts...
I was inspired by their blogs... i read them n thought 2 myself... "Gee, i wish i could pretend 2 b smart like that.."
Muaha~~ nah i'm jking... they really smart... u can just tell... by readin what they post up that they actually know what they're talking about... not like me, stringing 2gether a series of long, complex words in hopes of making myself seem marginally smarter... more often than not it doesnt make sense but Heey~~ thats all the more fun isnt it..? ;)
i'll try 2 link them up... ooee n starbitz...
ooee has a deep psychology problem that usually remains dorment... but is triggered whenever the word "Thesis" is uttered. Once triggered, u can do nothing but hide n pray 4 the love of god that she doesn't find u... if she does... death will come 2 u in a slow, strange n cruel yet strangely erotic way...
meanwhile starbitz works 24/7 juggling a job n uni work... on the surface appears a very composed, innocent n docile girl.. but inside is rabid monkey waiting 2 b unleashed 2 feed on the fruity goodness that is human flesh.
How do i know all this? Because i am incredibally smart. Painfully intelligent even. I am that amazing. N modesty is my greatest virtue~ :)

Yay~!! work was fun VERY MUCH SO~!! FUCKERS~! I'M STILL BROKE~!
-$2 Cappucino
-$2 Coke
-$9 Sushi pack
-$9 MOTOR mag
-$6 Instant win scratchies
that measly $22 income.. i'm gunna blitz tomolo on either a thorough headraping ( haircut ), or a soccerball... ( yes we have soccer fever )..
N FUCKEN KOREA LOST~~!!! AAAARRGGHH~!!! Me n Bunko's soo po'ed... couldnt believe they lost 2 just sum gay goal... not even golden goal time yet or nething.. >:( shocking..
o wellz... i guess the chinks had it coming... i mean... they're like half the size of em damn germans... n sum of the guyz... fark.. i bet they got grandkids in da crowd watchin "gramps" play~! just... fark man.. we been stickin wit eva since the streets had barely ne1 in it... til now, where the streets get packed 2 da max wheneva they win... <:(
i wanted the japs 2 win actually... i'm against koreans.. but sall good.. temporary alliance.. 4 Asian pride~! ;)
1 thing bout when i just started watching tho... i was gettin po'ed at the bloody commentators.. i thought they were bloody racist cunts... cos Shinji Ono ( shinjiiii~!!! ), 1 of Japan's strikers ( i think.. ).. i didnt know his name b4... so wheneva he got the ball n proceeded 2 dodge all the opponents defenders... all i hear is da bloody commentator say "Oh no~! OH NO~!!" n thought "How slack's that~?!!? Racist bastards~!!"
muaha~ my bad~ ;)
2day was Wilma's bday... so we had dinner wit him n his family yesterday ( where Phil's lil bro, Francis, sunk deeper in2 his growing insanity.. i'm actually started 2 b afraid of the mini-shitbanger... we were at crayons, n he was drawing pics of me over n over again.. n then violently scribbling them out with a glint in his eye n i couldv'e sworn that the stuf on his lips was froth, not whipped cream... :| *hides under blankets...* ), n then afterwards... got pissed off at the game... went on george n screamed out profanity 2 ne1 that resembled a German ( read: Non-Asian ), n then in the grips of soccer fever we went 2 Pyrmont 2 play soccer with a tennis ball on moist, heavily fertilised grass with an audience comprising of 3 cars parked on the street just next 2 us... which were all *heavily* fogged up wit all da seats down... :|
.. i think i'll stop now~ :|