Thursday, June 27, 2002

Yay~!! work was fun VERY MUCH SO~!! FUCKERS~! I'M STILL BROKE~!
-$2 Cappucino
-$2 Coke
-$9 Sushi pack
-$9 MOTOR mag
-$6 Instant win scratchies
that measly $22 income.. i'm gunna blitz tomolo on either a thorough headraping ( haircut ), or a soccerball... ( yes we have soccer fever )..
N FUCKEN KOREA LOST~~!!! AAAARRGGHH~!!! Me n Bunko's soo po'ed... couldnt believe they lost 2 just sum gay goal... not even golden goal time yet or nething.. >:( shocking..
o wellz... i guess the chinks had it coming... i mean... they're like half the size of em damn germans... n sum of the guyz... fark.. i bet they got grandkids in da crowd watchin "gramps" play~! just... fark man.. we been stickin wit eva since the streets had barely ne1 in it... til now, where the streets get packed 2 da max wheneva they win... <:(
i wanted the japs 2 win actually... i'm against koreans.. but sall good.. temporary alliance.. 4 Asian pride~! ;)
1 thing bout when i just started watching tho... i was gettin po'ed at the bloody commentators.. i thought they were bloody racist cunts... cos Shinji Ono ( shinjiiii~!!! ), 1 of Japan's strikers ( i think.. ).. i didnt know his name b4... so wheneva he got the ball n proceeded 2 dodge all the opponents defenders... all i hear is da bloody commentator say "Oh no~! OH NO~!!" n thought "How slack's that~?!!? Racist bastards~!!"
muaha~ my bad~ ;)
2day was Wilma's bday... so we had dinner wit him n his family yesterday ( where Phil's lil bro, Francis, sunk deeper in2 his growing insanity.. i'm actually started 2 b afraid of the mini-shitbanger... we were at crayons, n he was drawing pics of me over n over again.. n then violently scribbling them out with a glint in his eye n i couldv'e sworn that the stuf on his lips was froth, not whipped cream... :| *hides under blankets...* ), n then afterwards... got pissed off at the game... went on george n screamed out profanity 2 ne1 that resembled a German ( read: Non-Asian ), n then in the grips of soccer fever we went 2 Pyrmont 2 play soccer with a tennis ball on moist, heavily fertilised grass with an audience comprising of 3 cars parked on the street just next 2 us... which were all *heavily* fogged up wit all da seats down... :|
.. i think i'll stop now~ :|


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