Friday, June 28, 2002

FUCKIN HELL~!!! I HATE THIS PIECE OF SHIT~! it keeps fuckin up on me~!! i keep losing my typed up post wheneva i try 2 post~!! >:( goddamit~!
*sigh* here we go again....
A big thanku 2 Ooee, who helped me *heaps* gettin this piece of llama shit working... she added a comment 4 me 2... so post me a msg please u dirty hoes out there~~ muaha~ ;)
N fark... got headraped 2day.. i went 2 "Cocomb"... on george st... Phil managed 2 convince me even tho i was telling him that the the idea of hair being short is foreign 2 koreans...
i went neways... n i swear that the chick that they sent 2 cut my hair must've been the next in line or sumthing... cos she was beyond lost... she had no clue what 2 do. I had 2 guide her way thru everything... she didnt know where 2 cut nor how short. After she cut the top of my hair, she was about 2 leave.. even tho my sides were untouched~! so my top was *really* short... n long sides~! ( King mullet I am thee ) i called her back n she cut off 1cm... i bitched sum more so she attacked it n so now i'm here sitting here in front of my computer with my raped skull... :|
Argh~! i know i'm ranting.. but just that... fark waste ma money.. not 2 mention that she cut off most of my dye n also, all of my shiny bits~~ <:~(

Screw it. Change topic. What else happened 2day..? Bought soccerball, kicked it around in a park. Chris lost his godly equipment in Diablo2. Phil is practicing Cs 4 Sgl comp on Sat. Jean is studying. Pat likes penis n Wilma found out he was pregnant.
Just ur average day really...


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