Thursday, June 27, 2002

Yes, after my last post u can c that i'm rather bad at this blog stuf... i dunno y the hell i bother.. tried it once b4... gave up... n now back.. cos another friend made 1... hence the *looong* gap inbetween the posts...
I was inspired by their blogs... i read them n thought 2 myself... "Gee, i wish i could pretend 2 b smart like that.."
Muaha~~ nah i'm jking... they really smart... u can just tell... by readin what they post up that they actually know what they're talking about... not like me, stringing 2gether a series of long, complex words in hopes of making myself seem marginally smarter... more often than not it doesnt make sense but Heey~~ thats all the more fun isnt it..? ;)
i'll try 2 link them up... ooee n starbitz...
ooee has a deep psychology problem that usually remains dorment... but is triggered whenever the word "Thesis" is uttered. Once triggered, u can do nothing but hide n pray 4 the love of god that she doesn't find u... if she does... death will come 2 u in a slow, strange n cruel yet strangely erotic way...
meanwhile starbitz works 24/7 juggling a job n uni work... on the surface appears a very composed, innocent n docile girl.. but inside is rabid monkey waiting 2 b unleashed 2 feed on the fruity goodness that is human flesh.
How do i know all this? Because i am incredibally smart. Painfully intelligent even. I am that amazing. N modesty is my greatest virtue~ :)


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