Sunday, June 30, 2002

Ooee complained 2 me.. called me an idiot n told me just because her ass is hairy it doesn't necessarily mean her rectum is too... my bad... n *yes* i do know what the rectum is~~ :Þ

N OMFG~!! I can't believe that Korea vs Turkey game... they fuckin scored within 15 seconds~!! I just sat there watching... my dad's jaw literally dropped... but i was still just watching calmly... i was waiting 4 the whistle... cos... that couldn't b right... it just had 2 b a mistake... it was only after i saw the scoreboard did i lunge at the tv screen armed with my toenails...
Korea... *sigh*... no, the asian teams in general r good at gettin possession n then heading out 2 the box... BUT... thats when they lose the plot n just pass the ball here n there... hesitating n dunno what 2 do... they're 2 scared 2 just charge n go 4 glory... n wheneva it comes 2 a confrontation between a westerner n a chink... the chink always slows down n lets the westerner get it... cos i reckon they abit intimidated by them... Also.. the asians dun have enuf stamina... in the beginning they were quicker always... but now in the Turkey game u can c they had no hope of outrunning da damn Turks...
Another thing... chinks can't shoot... cos... not enuf power... if they want power.. they have 2 use all of their power... n then the ball goes flying.. if they shoot 4 accuracy... its usually 2 soft~~ so screwed~~ >:(
Farrk!! n that offside goal... FUCK OFF!!! >:(
O wellz... Koread did really well... played really well but just got fatigued at the end methinks...

Wat happened 2day..? Woke 12, went 2 yumcha wit sis, where we got *abit* greedy... well.. actually.. thats a *gross* understatement... we pretty much demolished everything in our wake... i burped "Sao mai" all day... : |
Then went 2 Phil's 2 watch a breakdancing video... laughed at the ppl doing the things... then cried when failed horribly tryin 2 imitate them.. came home 4 dinner wit Daniel, a family friend.. n then blew an artery watching Korea game..

o wellz..
... even tho.. koreans... aiya... not much beta~~ ;)

sorry... couldn't hold it back...
n Yay~! XÞ <-- new face by Jean~!~!!! :D ( not u bunko~ )
btw... I am SOOOO gunna die like a dog if sum1 finds out where i live... but in da meantime... SCREW U'S ALL~! AHAH~!


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