Thursday, May 27, 2004

U know how sumtimes weird shit gets installed on ur computer without u knowing? i used 2 have this stupid "EZ dates" thingy... n lotsa times i get a search tool bar under my web browser... either of them hasnt come up recently.. but yea 2day i got a new searchbar ... n double u tee eff? i'd like 2 know who designed them cos they got sum weirdass case of random goin on...
the links go from left 2 rite.. below my normal internet explorer buttons:
( Work from home )( Back pain )( MP3 )( Big girls )( Ass fucking )( Chicks with dicks )( Sign Language )
This world is evil.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Went 2 dealership 2day...
n... jeez... we bought a car~ :| just like that...

So that leaves me about 6 days 2 figure out if i keep his old car... or my lil lancer..
PPLZ~!!! please help me with this.. cos i have no clue...

My current car:
1.5L GLI Mitsubishi Lancer coupe
Black, manual, everything else standard... n no alloys... i'm runnin hubs~ :(
Its small, nimble, fun 2 drive, but *VERY* weak engine... in summer i have 2 choose between having the air-con on, or being able drive faster than 40 km/h... it also has tiny ass wheels in hubcaps.. :(
i'd also say that the rear seats r tiny.. but i dun really give a shit bout my passengers~ :P they're gettin a lift so they can bite my ass~ :D

My Dads old car:
SEL500 Mercedes benz
Gold, auto, alloy wheels, but all in standard form 2...
Its BIG... like FUCKING big.... driving that after driving lil jemyma is like driving a yacht... n its auto~ :( its not that bad... cept its a real "lao tow" car... as in... it totally does not suit ne drivers under the age of 78... no joke.
n also... its 15 yrs old.... :| :| :| its ancient... 1 major advantage bout this car is that its a huge tank of a car... i can play chicken with a brick wall no worries...

So ppls~! help me decide.. comment on ur opinion of which i should keep..
this is a car that i mite need 2 stick with 4 awhile now... depending on business...

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Long daaay 2day...
work as usual... Dodo dropped by surprisingly... she has 2 deliver lunches 4 her mum 2.. like me~ haha~
neways.. on the ride home... we went 2 refuel... but when we tried 2 start again... the car died.. just wouldnt start~~ goddamn... i was already buggered n now this shit happens.. haii~ Called my sis 2 come grab my mum.. while me n my dad waited at Mobil ( the 1 in Epping ).. the NRMA takes fuckin long 2 come.. finally it comes...n when we try the car again.. fuckin hell it works~!! He sez that now that its working again.. he cant tell wats specifically wrong with the engine... could b a million things...
I thank him neways n leave... 10 mins later at Carlingford... GODDAMN it dies again~!!! just in middle of driving~! the engine just shuts down~! fuckin hell.. we pull over n call again... n we wait.. wait bout 40 mins.. n i tell my dad 2 try again in case the same thing happens again.. n voila~! it works n we hurry n scramble home prayin 2 god it doesnt stop again.
So its official. 2molo goin 2 dealership with my dad... pretty much chose the car already.. Mercerdes E class 500 Avantgarde... but now big debate on colour... my mum wants a kinda champagne colour with ivory/beige interior... i want a black or navy car n dun matter wat interior...
I think the black really goes with the chrome highlights of an E class... n that it looks really imposing n striking, yet still classy n elegant on road...
my mum thinks champagne is purdy~ :|

btw... felt sorry 4 the dealer... he came 2 our office 2 talk with me n my parents... n he's 1 of those squishy hand shakers...
Jimbo theory no.331: When u shake sum1's hands... make it firm... not hard like u're trying 2 throttle a chicken... but firm. If not.. then if a guy comes along n shakes ur hand, it'll just crumple like a bean bag...
I shook his hand n *Squish!* his hand collapsed n i felt his fingers tangle 2gether in that cartilage rubbery way... wanted 2 say sorry... but then... u cant exactly say:
"Sorry bout that, Nancy.."
accidently did again when he had 2 leave~ :|

Btw... on a totally unrelated note... those that know me well know how i always pay out my hairy parents... throwing sand in their beds... hiding glass in their food... calling them asshats n accusing them of smoking pot...
i dont actually mean it( shock! horror! ).. well kinda do.. but kinda don't.... its weird...
Just... if they pissed off at me.. fair nuff.. i'll fight back just 4 spite ( hehe )... but... few things hurt more than seeing in ur dad's eyes his disappointment in u...
n seeing ur mum sitting alone downstairs with red eyes over the loss of the jewellery that her mum left her when she was young...
i know this is materialistic 2 sum ppl... but its not so much the value of the jewellery ( which is quite a FUCKING lot i learnt.. )... but cos my grandma passed away n this was 1 thing she kept thru everything... *edited details*...

I want 2 make moolah... not only 2 satisify my material needs...
i want 2 buy my dad a nice car... even tho we buyin a new 1 now.. n a house.. with a frontyard.. cos he loves gardening...
n i'll buy my mum a cat... since she hates pets so much...
haha just kidding...
... i'll buy her a fuckin rat.

Ack who am i kidding??? i just wanna make money 2 buy a fuckin nice car n gets lotsa HOT CHICKS~!!

Enuf ramble ramble~!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Goddamn its been an eventful weekend yet again~~~ :| :| :|
Friday nite... Pat n Nat bailed out on me cos they got family dinner 2 go 2.. their dad just came back from overseas...
so i had a small farewell thingy 4 Tomusan.. who's goin back Taiwan with Elva 4 awhile.. he prolly wont b back 4 good 2 months n she wont b back til the end of the year methinks~~
Just had a few beers with them n Jimmy.. who practically lives there 2... so yea.. friday nite... as usual.. them being the bad influences they r i got involved again in mj.. o wellz... i dont know how the FUCK i drove home.. but Huzzah! i'm not dead~! :)
N then Saturday came along.. during the day watched Van Helsing with Pat, Yooke, Brett, Chelsea, Lil Jen, n Ching... it was a pretty.... dull movie actually... it seemed 2 go on 4eva~~~ Yooke actually fell asleep halfway thru it~ :| :| but then again thats yooke so i guess its not saying alot...

Later on that nite.. returned 2 da city 2 gatecrash Tian's 23rd bday~ huzzah!!!
We were there as token invites.. cos basically they want us 2 bring chicks... namely Nathalie n Yooke... but Yooke bailed n Nat was bout 2.. so instead we rock up bringin Brett instead~ hahaha~~ o wellz sall good~ :) Go in expectin the worse... but... waah.. ratio actually pretty good in there~ hahaha~~ but methinks all taken~ *sigh*
2 much 2 say at that party.. cept... goddamn poor pat copped it hard... talk bout unprovoked attacks~! Anna.. new girl we met ( who is fuckin freakily tall.. shes asian.. n she's 180cm tall~!! she actually called Pat short~!! OMG~!! )... just outta the blue chirped up n pointed accusingly at pat: "Shes hot ( points at Nat )... but wat happened 2 u~???"
It was pretty a non-stop onslaught 4 the poor bastard...
with another girl Grace:

"WHAT~?! he's 25??"
*Pat's face lightens up*
"I thought he waw 30~!!!!!"
*Pat flees the room sobbing*

Brett was first casualty of the nite.. clocking off at like 10 something... n scary thing is.. most ppl remained sober... cept of course.. us. as usual~ :|
Pat ko'ed bout 3ish n i pretty much didnt sleep til bout 5.. cos of bloody Nat.. she left 2 visit another friend... n came back after 3.. then chatted on the bloody fone outside 4 like an hr.. was waitin 4 her but then i just ko'ed...

Woke up next day at bout 9.30.. cos i thought i had work... i say "thought" because originally i had work.. but then received a call from my dad... n turns out... we were fucking robbed on sat... >:(
I went home cos my mum was home alone... n find out that our house was broken in2 in broad daylight~! Middle of the saturday afternoon~! Fuck me dead~!! they entered thru the guest bedroom window n stole my mum n my sisters jewellery... n also broke in2 our basement n stole my dads vintage wines... altogether... man... lost 10s of thousands of dollars in 1 day... fucking..
surprisingly tho... my room was untouched~ :|
nothing was stolen... i think they just saw the mess n decided it wasn't worth it..
i was just thankful they didnt touch my computer... cos i got my beloved drunken fotos stored on.. :(
The most valuable thing i have is my platinum chain.. which i wear pretty much 24/7 so yea.. thats 1 good thing 4 being povo.. nothing 2 steal~ :|

not sure if thats a good thing... but i'm gonna pretend it is neways....

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Rambling sucks i realise..
yea i've kinda just been bloggin outta consideration 4 my fans.... ( *sigh*... wat a nice person i am~~ ) so as u can see from the last few posts that i've kinda just gone everywhere n rambling.. from now on i'll blog when im in the mood set... hopefully it cut the posts down shorter n not so migraine inducing~ :|

Neways.. i'll post bout sum other random events..
last week... *ponders*
Ahh.. fri nite.. went sublime.. had "a few drinks" b4 hand so we can b tightarses n rock up drunk n not have 2 pay 4 the rip off drinks inside~ hahaha~~ we asian so we allowed... ehehe~
so yea.. was drinking at Charlene's... n kudos once again 2 her 4 lettin us~ :) :)
but yea.. was an alrite nite... apparantly only 4 me tho... cos even tho the music sucked hard nuts... n there wasn't actually that many ppl there... its cos my expectations were so low that it seemed alrite 2 me.. Nat .. who has been waitin weeks 2 go back 2 sublime... was soooo lookin 4ward 2 it that she killed it by having crazy ass expectations of the nite...
She told me at bout 3ish that she wanted 2 go home... n i was like "WOW~!!"
cos this is the asshole that usually dun let us go no where til minimum 4.30... we have 2 convince her outta stayin til 6-7... which she is more than happy 2 do... :| :| :|
kids these days... 2 much sugar in their diet..
but yea... didnt mind leaving.. cos the alcohol pretty much wore off by then n also... it was like... 9:1 guy:girl ratio~~ fucking wat the gay~?!?!? so monged~!!! haii... o wellz..
Neways.. the reason that she was feeling down was also cos.. accordin 2 the girls.. it was a veeery sleazy nite... both Nat n Yooke copped a few pinches on the butt... n thats just sumthing i really dont understand...
I just dont get the appeal... like wtf?? i dont know~~ cant even put it 2 words... like... wat.. do they get off on pincin sum random chicks ass n makin them feel like shit..? but taking that aside 4 the moment.. i still dun get the appeal... cos its just like.... n this is coming from an ass person btw... its just a pinch... on the ass.... i mean... at least grope it or sumthin cos then u'll get more outta it~~
i am confused by strange ppl in 2days world... :|

I... miss my car... :~(
No car = No life.
Simple as that.

Beecroft is the nearest station there is 2 me... n even the nearest bus stop is a fair walk from mine.. in other words... i've been rotting at home 4 most of the time since i had my accident.. i pretty much stay at home all week.. cept come friday i find a way 2 flee my prison n then i crash over at Pat n Nats 4 the next few days... :| but last time i went ova... i woke 7.30 2 get a ride 2 station... i got 2 their place at 10.30.... omfg~!!!

The weekend is pretty much the only thing thats holdin 2gether my sanity... i swear during the weekdays i spend 19 hrs a day in front of my computer frothing at the mouth~ :(
I'm slowly going crazy at home.. i cant stand it... sum ppl can b content stayin at home by themselves... but i'm not 1 of them.. well i can... but just 4 bout a day.. n thats if i have sumthing 2 read... i've been eating nothing but instant noodles cos i cant go out n buy stuf 2 eat.... n i cant even buy my ciggies~! OMFG~!!!!!

i'd ask u 2 feel sorry 4 me... but i'm already doing enuf of that 4 a good 20 odd ppl...