Thursday, May 06, 2004

I... miss my car... :~(
No car = No life.
Simple as that.

Beecroft is the nearest station there is 2 me... n even the nearest bus stop is a fair walk from mine.. in other words... i've been rotting at home 4 most of the time since i had my accident.. i pretty much stay at home all week.. cept come friday i find a way 2 flee my prison n then i crash over at Pat n Nats 4 the next few days... :| but last time i went ova... i woke 7.30 2 get a ride 2 station... i got 2 their place at 10.30.... omfg~!!!

The weekend is pretty much the only thing thats holdin 2gether my sanity... i swear during the weekdays i spend 19 hrs a day in front of my computer frothing at the mouth~ :(
I'm slowly going crazy at home.. i cant stand it... sum ppl can b content stayin at home by themselves... but i'm not 1 of them.. well i can... but just 4 bout a day.. n thats if i have sumthing 2 read... i've been eating nothing but instant noodles cos i cant go out n buy stuf 2 eat.... n i cant even buy my ciggies~! OMFG~!!!!!

i'd ask u 2 feel sorry 4 me... but i'm already doing enuf of that 4 a good 20 odd ppl...


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