Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Goddamn its been an eventful weekend yet again~~~ :| :| :|
Friday nite... Pat n Nat bailed out on me cos they got family dinner 2 go 2.. their dad just came back from overseas...
so i had a small farewell thingy 4 Tomusan.. who's goin back Taiwan with Elva 4 awhile.. he prolly wont b back 4 good 2 months n she wont b back til the end of the year methinks~~
Just had a few beers with them n Jimmy.. who practically lives there 2... so yea.. friday nite... as usual.. them being the bad influences they r i got involved again in mj.. o wellz... i dont know how the FUCK i drove home.. but Huzzah! i'm not dead~! :)
N then Saturday came along.. during the day watched Van Helsing with Pat, Yooke, Brett, Chelsea, Lil Jen, n Ching... it was a pretty.... dull movie actually... it seemed 2 go on 4eva~~~ Yooke actually fell asleep halfway thru it~ :| :| but then again thats yooke so i guess its not saying alot...

Later on that nite.. returned 2 da city 2 gatecrash Tian's 23rd bday~ huzzah!!!
We were there as token invites.. cos basically they want us 2 bring chicks... namely Nathalie n Yooke... but Yooke bailed n Nat was bout 2.. so instead we rock up bringin Brett instead~ hahaha~~ o wellz sall good~ :) Go in expectin the worse... but... waah.. ratio actually pretty good in there~ hahaha~~ but methinks all taken~ *sigh*
2 much 2 say at that party.. cept... goddamn poor pat copped it hard... talk bout unprovoked attacks~! Anna.. new girl we met ( who is fuckin freakily tall.. shes asian.. n she's 180cm tall~!! she actually called Pat short~!! OMG~!! )... just outta the blue chirped up n pointed accusingly at pat: "Shes hot ( points at Nat )... but wat happened 2 u~???"
It was pretty a non-stop onslaught 4 the poor bastard...
with another girl Grace:

"WHAT~?! he's 25??"
*Pat's face lightens up*
"I thought he waw 30~!!!!!"
*Pat flees the room sobbing*

Brett was first casualty of the nite.. clocking off at like 10 something... n scary thing is.. most ppl remained sober... cept of course.. us. as usual~ :|
Pat ko'ed bout 3ish n i pretty much didnt sleep til bout 5.. cos of bloody Nat.. she left 2 visit another friend... n came back after 3.. then chatted on the bloody fone outside 4 like an hr.. was waitin 4 her but then i just ko'ed...

Woke up next day at bout 9.30.. cos i thought i had work... i say "thought" because originally i had work.. but then received a call from my dad... n turns out... we were fucking robbed on sat... >:(
I went home cos my mum was home alone... n find out that our house was broken in2 in broad daylight~! Middle of the saturday afternoon~! Fuck me dead~!! they entered thru the guest bedroom window n stole my mum n my sisters jewellery... n also broke in2 our basement n stole my dads vintage wines... altogether... man... lost 10s of thousands of dollars in 1 day... fucking..
surprisingly tho... my room was untouched~ :|
nothing was stolen... i think they just saw the mess n decided it wasn't worth it..
i was just thankful they didnt touch my computer... cos i got my beloved drunken fotos stored on.. :(
The most valuable thing i have is my platinum chain.. which i wear pretty much 24/7 so yea.. thats 1 good thing 4 being povo.. nothing 2 steal~ :|

not sure if thats a good thing... but i'm gonna pretend it is neways....


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