Thursday, April 29, 2004

Okaay... mels grad... i can't remember all that clearly now come 2 think of it... but yea..
Sat arvo.. went 2 mel's grad at unsw.... just 2 take sum fotos n stuf with her.... mel without braces... looks funny... dark skin + white teeth = Toothpaste commercial...
Once again... after fotos... ppl... just kinda... drifted away from each other.... me n pats there talking... n then we look around n see just little clumps of ppl wandering away in the distance~~ double-u tee eff? wat happened 2 organising where n when 2 meet nowadays~!?
neways... told lil jen we'll meet her in da ct asap... but we were 2 sleep deprived so pretty much went back 2 pats n ko'ed... well.. tried 2 neways...
Jen called later n after sum trademark nagging made us promise 2 get there b4 6.30... 4 sum obscure reason.. seeing that dinner isnt til 7.30...
Arrived at the scene 6.30 only 2 find Big Jen well on her way 2 tipsy... which inspired us 2 go n buy grog...
went out searching... only 2 b led astray by Jane... who's so lost but manages 2 fool u that shes not cos she seems so convinced that she knows wat shes doin... got shitty... abandoned the 2 girls on the side of the road n told them 2 meet at restaurant n went lookin 4 bottle shop ourselves...
finally found 1... n after buyin trademark jim beam... this lil teenage girl with a goatee of swollen red pimples approaches me n asks if i'll buy them a 6 pack of VB... there was also this skinny lookin kid standin on the side lookin sorta awkward or embarrassed... i buy them the beer n say: "U're lucky i promote alcoholism..." they looked at me confused as i just left with a satisfied "good deed of the day" grin..
makes u all warm n bubbly inside dont it..? if only i had ppl buyin me beer when i was a little dickhead.. *sigh*...
neways... dinner... was pretty alrite... the food was really nice... expensive... but nice~ :) altho... i think they did 2 mistakes here... big tables r only good round... not rectangular... cos pretty much kills all convo with the other half of the table... n do not place tvs there... thats 1 thing i love bout asian places... its a big ass round table n every1s together.. sorta... yea..

neways.. fuck dinner. move on2 interesting thing... drinking~!
um... memory loss so yea... not my fault if this post starts gettin random.

spent aaaages tryin 2 convince mel 2 drink with me... had 2 wait 4 her 2 do this.. n that... n even a bloody shower~! yes i am stubborn.. n no i do not take hints... see how my persistance paid off in the end n she was drinking?
but yea.. highlights include tryin 2 play celebrity heads... but pretty much ended up in just us taking fotos of Nat when she has this black "Slut/Skank" scrawled on2 her forehead... we took sum fotos.. n then pretty much left it at that.. didnt bother with nething else... n b4 u guyz go off bout how slack that was... blame Mel~!! she was the 1 that did it~! i just came back with a grinnin Nat n a "Slut" on her forehead..... :|

n we had this friend's friend there.. sum1 i only just met... Michael... the poor bastard... sumhow ko'ed himself EARLY in2 the nite... man i didnt even drink with him yet.. i was playin games... n b4 u know it he's gone...
he was gone in the toilet 4 awhile.. n we thought he was showering cos of the water sounds... but then Nat pointed out 2 the shadow behind the door...
I open the door... n it hits Michael's ko'ed body.. lying against the door... i force myself in... close the taps that were running... n tried 2 pick him up... n goddamn it was like picking up a corpse.. like picking up a sack of potatoes... kinda just slips outta ur fingers... grabbed him by the torso n just hauled him out... n i dunno, i didnt realise... but found out later that his pants weren't on properly... n as i walk him in2 the room.. his pants slid off 2 the ground... flashing every1 with his cute white undies... Hahahaa~~ when i found out bout this i laughed 4 like 15 mins walkin down George st... it was only afterwards that the guilt kinda began 2 sink in~ :(
Sorry Michael~! i had no idea~!! :( :(

Next day just... went 2 all u can eat yumcha... cheap but the food... well u get wat u paid 4... so guess cant complain... n then karaoke with Jane, lil Jen n Chelsea... it was exhausting.. finally got back at Pats bout 3ish... n we both then just dropped dead on his bed n slept til 8.. Nat 4 sum odd reason decided 2 ko with us til then as well~ :|

Neways... now... i've been livin without my car not even 4 1 week yet... n i'm slowly going crazy... i havent been out in ages it seems~~ n fuck me dead it sucks being home.. i just sleep my days away... n once again.. that feeling of being lost... drifting thru my life not doing nething has come back... :( that sinking feeling deep down in the gut that i've been hiding from by being with my friends has finally caught up 2 me now that i'm stuck at home... not being able 2 escape...

I need a smoke... but no car = cant go out.. not even 2 local shops.... :(
i need my car back fast~ 4 the sake of my sanity.... but i think its gunna b at least a month....
6 down... 30 days 2 go....


Monday, April 26, 2004

Goddamn~ :| :| :|
Fuck me dead.
Friday was an eventful day 2 say the least...
Started of alrite.. went 2 Lil Jen's graduation~~ the flea infested bastard... she was swarming with lil fly thingies... i dunno... man it was nasty... just lookin at this tiny stumpy girl with all these bugs crawling around... ack... next Christmas i'm gettin that girl a bar of soap n sum shampoo~ :|
N it was gettin stressful thanks 2 Lil Jen.. who manages 2 turn even the smallest outing a stressing event~ :(
But yea finally decide 2 go ct 4 dinner..

Was at Kensington, off Anzac parade, on Todman rd n Kensington rd... at that roundabout.. i was on Todman goin straight... i'm just about 2 exit the roundabout n then WHAM~!! A fucking car slams in the rear left of my car... we spin abit n slide... i turn around just in time 2 see a Mazda Mx6 speed off 2 where i came from.. in the opposite direction... I was gonna chase.. but my car was in no state 2 go off chasing ne1... i just drive bit furthur up n pull over... where lots of nice ppl asked us if we were ok... I'm pretty thankful that we were alrite.. specially Pat cos he was on the left side... just thanking God that he hit the rear left, if i drove abit slower or him abit faster... then he would've slammed rite on Pat.... :(
Had witnesses pulling over n helping out with his license plate number n stuf... but the nicest guy was this man Rubin... He actually chased the car in his Jaguar, n saw them pull in the car park next 2 Phil's house (~!!!!) n then they just ran off on foot.
Turns out... it was a stolen car... reported missing since the 20th... from witnesses, there were 3 wogs in that car, 1 of them a tallish, skinny guy who whipped off his red shirt n then ran off shirtless n in shorts...

Times like this just make u feel that there r good in this world... this guy.. a complete stranger... chased down this fucking asshole 4 me... n then came back several times 2 check up on us...

Also kudos 2 Pat... 4 taking 1 4 the team hardcore... i err.. yea... dun have a license ... but not cos i lost it or nething.. cos it expired thats all.. so when the police came 2 do the statement, he said he was the driver...
Kinda felt guilty... cos like.. it was friday nite... n Nat n Yooke was already in the ct.. n they came back ... n me n Pat were meant 2 go out n blah...
But... i dunno.. its the small things that... kinda get u... like they didnt need 2 come at all.. but they still did... i was pissed off at the wogs but... it was touching... same when every1 nearby was there... i had a large group guarding their abandoned vehicle 2 make sure they dont try 2 come back 4 it... needed it 4 evidence... <: ) i dunno.. i think i hit my head when in the accident...

Spent the nite at Pat's.. cos i missed the last train.. watched Something about Mary ( 1 of my all time favourites.. the Farrelly brothers rock ), Alien 4 the first time eva.. Aliens is also 1 of my all time favourites n i neva seen part 1... then watched Dvd "The Real Cancun"... which was surprisingly good~~ i liked it alot~~ stayed up til 4 am watching it.. blog bout that funny ass movie later...

Enuf of that.. i'll add 2 this later... im experiencing memory loss atm cos of last nite.. so slowly things'll come back 2 me..
its late so i'll blog bout the adventures of yesterday 2molo or sth~ brain not workin 2 well atm~ :(

So... yea... ttyl lor~~~~

Friday, April 16, 2004

Did 1 of those personality test thingys on net...
Apparantly i'm the "Boy Next Door"...
No one wants to hold Jimmy's penis.
That makes Jimmy sad.

Cheer up a depressed boy n volunteer 2day:

Thursday, April 15, 2004

kinda retarded cos now wat i sed... is below this post... even tho this is a kinda followup..
neways... Good friday~~
OMFG its illegal 2 sell alcohol on Good friday??? nan da yo???
Was panicking on friday... n spent the whole day scouring the country 4 grog... was determined 2 get drunk no matter wat... had even stole the cooking wine cos that'll prolly cause an effect~ hahaha~
Last resort: sniff nail polish remover... that was bound 2 do sumthin 2 our brains~ :D
But thankfully... got saved by small donations by every1 who came that nite.. n i managed 2 buy sum alcohol off my sister's friends~ hahaha~ ( that sounded incredibally sad... )
There wasnt that many ppl that rocked up.. cos i had no clue who was coming.. in the end it was Mel, Pat, Nat, Tim, Yooke, Ching, Joyce, Chog, Azuu, Alicia, Andy, Jean, James, Lil Jen, Jane, Chelsea, Weenie, Tomusan n Elva... i think that was it... :| my memory's a bit vague from that nite.. i was expecting more.. but then now i think back n im thankful.. cos we managed 2 down all my alcohol... now i'm in a complete drought~! OMG~!! All my whiskies... my tequila, midoris... baileys... all gone~!! :O u animals~!!
I still have 1 vodka left.. which u bastards know is the 1 drink i dont touch.. so i cant thank all of u's enuf~ >:(
n Mel.. thanku 4 rocking up lor~~ sorry u were the first 1 there n had 2 stare at me eat my pizza 4 a good half hr b4 ne1 else came 2 the rescue..
n thanks joyce 4 the potato waffle thingys~! hahaha~
Kudos 2 Andy.. who got over excited n delighted about my pool... which he claims that i have done up n looks like neon car lights~~
Hahaha~~ i may b a rice boy... but even i have 2 draw the line sumwhere~ :P

P.S.. Dont drink with koreans.. u get no satisfaction... them being the pale idiots they r... n they good at hiding their drunkeness ( else they just full tank :| )...
I'm drinking with Yooke... again.... i'm feeling sick after each drink, i'm eating Steamboat left overs 2 wash the alcohol down ( eh? )... i'm full lobster red down 2 my privates.... i'm havin difficulty sitting up straight n shes still there pale as always calmly pouring our next drinks... :| :| :|
Scary... must... get her drunk 1 day.... just 2 see.. or rather *hear* this tiny pale, usually quiet n reserved girl fart....

Neways... Tuesday... went back 2 our Karaoke tuesday tradition... n as usual got drunk... well i was bit funny.. but Pat n Nat as usual got sloshed... ( Nat knows not how 2 pour drinks without suiciding... Pat learnt this lesson the hard way )...
N goddamn.. well its all out now... everything that should not have been sed have been sed... now just fingers crossed every1 was 2 drunk 2 remember... n chances r.. they were~ so HOORAY~!
Pat has a tendency 2 b sleazy when drunk n i have a tendency 2 say things i shouldn't when drunk.

This is crazy.. i dont know how much longer i can keep this up.... this is wat i've been up 2 4 the past week..

Thurs: Drunk at Rave Party
Fri: Drunk at Very Good Friday party
Sat: MJ at Bbq
Sun: Movie marathon
Mon: Drunk at Yooke's
Tues: Drunk at Greenbox
Wed: MJ at cousins
2day: So very tired...

Scary thing is i'm meant 2 b at college~ :| i dont have a holiday~ :| :| :|
I have sooooo many assessments due its not funny.... :(
haii~ i'm fucked...

um... i totally 4got where i was goin with all this jibber.... so i'll end now... :|

( i hate that so much... so fobby... :| )

Okaaaay~~ i figured out that.. i shouldn't delay these posts... cos usually i'm 2 lazy 2 come n type shit out.. figuring that i'll do it later in a collective summary of wat happened recently...
but yea~ my memory being the leaky tap that it is.. left me of pretty much a pasty blur of the previous weeks events... :|
Okaay~ first off... the boys... goddamn i dunno wat happened... had a big fallout... with no conclusion...
Had a big thing... wont go 2 much in2 detail... if u want nasty gritty details ask me bout in life cos im not bout 2 start spammin the net wit it... but yea 1 major point was:
"Man... all u wanna do these days is go out drinking n clubbing with little girls..."
"Dude... they ur age... n they older than ken 2..."
".... thats different~!"
Double-u tee eff mate?
Ack... so many double standards, empty excuses n hypocrital statements leaves me still with no clue wat exactly is the problem... was tryin 2 force a confrontation outta it... but they didnt seem 2 want 2 talk... :| which is odd cos they came 2 find us outside K world...
o wellz.. wat can u do..? just gotta wait it out again...

Is it my fault Im single n still want 2 go out n have fun? Go out drinking, clubbing, karaoke n meeting new ppl..?
Apparantly... it is.

As i sed b4... ask me more bout it when u see me n i'll demolish ur ears with my bitching antics...

N now new controversy~!! 25% extra 4 free~!! Yet another THEFT in our inner circle~!! YAY 4 CLOSE FRIENDS~!!!
First was my sister's makeup... then it was Mel's fone... n now Chris's $600 stashed in his room...
The thing that makes this sooo incredibally fucked up n low... is that... the only possible ppl that did this... was supposedly meant 2 b a small "trusted" circle... n the 3 ppl that suffer most from it ( blah.. my sister's an asshole so she probably had it coming :P )... r ppl who dont deserve it at all... it shits me cos... they did it 2 ppl like Mel n Chris...
Mel, conan... the ever smiling n ever friendly yet sleepy Mel... n Chris... the silent body builder... who's always been so welcoming 2 every1 in his house...
Now the trust is gone... now all the boys have been branded "suspects"... n it makes me angry that we're even accused...
Okay enuf of that... its pissing me off rite now just talking about it.. again.. ask me in life n i'll tell u more...

i'll just stop this post now... so that its not 1 huge spamming session~ :P