Thursday, April 15, 2004

kinda retarded cos now wat i sed... is below this post... even tho this is a kinda followup..
neways... Good friday~~
OMFG its illegal 2 sell alcohol on Good friday??? nan da yo???
Was panicking on friday... n spent the whole day scouring the country 4 grog... was determined 2 get drunk no matter wat... had even stole the cooking wine cos that'll prolly cause an effect~ hahaha~
Last resort: sniff nail polish remover... that was bound 2 do sumthin 2 our brains~ :D
But thankfully... got saved by small donations by every1 who came that nite.. n i managed 2 buy sum alcohol off my sister's friends~ hahaha~ ( that sounded incredibally sad... )
There wasnt that many ppl that rocked up.. cos i had no clue who was coming.. in the end it was Mel, Pat, Nat, Tim, Yooke, Ching, Joyce, Chog, Azuu, Alicia, Andy, Jean, James, Lil Jen, Jane, Chelsea, Weenie, Tomusan n Elva... i think that was it... :| my memory's a bit vague from that nite.. i was expecting more.. but then now i think back n im thankful.. cos we managed 2 down all my alcohol... now i'm in a complete drought~! OMG~!! All my whiskies... my tequila, midoris... baileys... all gone~!! :O u animals~!!
I still have 1 vodka left.. which u bastards know is the 1 drink i dont touch.. so i cant thank all of u's enuf~ >:(
n Mel.. thanku 4 rocking up lor~~ sorry u were the first 1 there n had 2 stare at me eat my pizza 4 a good half hr b4 ne1 else came 2 the rescue..
n thanks joyce 4 the potato waffle thingys~! hahaha~
Kudos 2 Andy.. who got over excited n delighted about my pool... which he claims that i have done up n looks like neon car lights~~
Hahaha~~ i may b a rice boy... but even i have 2 draw the line sumwhere~ :P

P.S.. Dont drink with koreans.. u get no satisfaction... them being the pale idiots they r... n they good at hiding their drunkeness ( else they just full tank :| )...
I'm drinking with Yooke... again.... i'm feeling sick after each drink, i'm eating Steamboat left overs 2 wash the alcohol down ( eh? )... i'm full lobster red down 2 my privates.... i'm havin difficulty sitting up straight n shes still there pale as always calmly pouring our next drinks... :| :| :|
Scary... must... get her drunk 1 day.... just 2 see.. or rather *hear* this tiny pale, usually quiet n reserved girl fart....

Neways... Tuesday... went back 2 our Karaoke tuesday tradition... n as usual got drunk... well i was bit funny.. but Pat n Nat as usual got sloshed... ( Nat knows not how 2 pour drinks without suiciding... Pat learnt this lesson the hard way )...
N goddamn.. well its all out now... everything that should not have been sed have been sed... now just fingers crossed every1 was 2 drunk 2 remember... n chances r.. they were~ so HOORAY~!
Pat has a tendency 2 b sleazy when drunk n i have a tendency 2 say things i shouldn't when drunk.

This is crazy.. i dont know how much longer i can keep this up.... this is wat i've been up 2 4 the past week..

Thurs: Drunk at Rave Party
Fri: Drunk at Very Good Friday party
Sat: MJ at Bbq
Sun: Movie marathon
Mon: Drunk at Yooke's
Tues: Drunk at Greenbox
Wed: MJ at cousins
2day: So very tired...

Scary thing is i'm meant 2 b at college~ :| i dont have a holiday~ :| :| :|
I have sooooo many assessments due its not funny.... :(
haii~ i'm fucked...

um... i totally 4got where i was goin with all this jibber.... so i'll end now... :|

( i hate that so much... so fobby... :| )