Thursday, April 15, 2004

Okaaaay~~ i figured out that.. i shouldn't delay these posts... cos usually i'm 2 lazy 2 come n type shit out.. figuring that i'll do it later in a collective summary of wat happened recently...
but yea~ my memory being the leaky tap that it is.. left me of pretty much a pasty blur of the previous weeks events... :|
Okaay~ first off... the boys... goddamn i dunno wat happened... had a big fallout... with no conclusion...
Had a big thing... wont go 2 much in2 detail... if u want nasty gritty details ask me bout in life cos im not bout 2 start spammin the net wit it... but yea 1 major point was:
"Man... all u wanna do these days is go out drinking n clubbing with little girls..."
"Dude... they ur age... n they older than ken 2..."
".... thats different~!"
Double-u tee eff mate?
Ack... so many double standards, empty excuses n hypocrital statements leaves me still with no clue wat exactly is the problem... was tryin 2 force a confrontation outta it... but they didnt seem 2 want 2 talk... :| which is odd cos they came 2 find us outside K world...
o wellz.. wat can u do..? just gotta wait it out again...

Is it my fault Im single n still want 2 go out n have fun? Go out drinking, clubbing, karaoke n meeting new ppl..?
Apparantly... it is.

As i sed b4... ask me more bout it when u see me n i'll demolish ur ears with my bitching antics...

N now new controversy~!! 25% extra 4 free~!! Yet another THEFT in our inner circle~!! YAY 4 CLOSE FRIENDS~!!!
First was my sister's makeup... then it was Mel's fone... n now Chris's $600 stashed in his room...
The thing that makes this sooo incredibally fucked up n low... is that... the only possible ppl that did this... was supposedly meant 2 b a small "trusted" circle... n the 3 ppl that suffer most from it ( blah.. my sister's an asshole so she probably had it coming :P )... r ppl who dont deserve it at all... it shits me cos... they did it 2 ppl like Mel n Chris...
Mel, conan... the ever smiling n ever friendly yet sleepy Mel... n Chris... the silent body builder... who's always been so welcoming 2 every1 in his house...
Now the trust is gone... now all the boys have been branded "suspects"... n it makes me angry that we're even accused...
Okay enuf of that... its pissing me off rite now just talking about it.. again.. ask me in life n i'll tell u more...

i'll just stop this post now... so that its not 1 huge spamming session~ :P


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