Monday, April 26, 2004

Goddamn~ :| :| :|
Fuck me dead.
Friday was an eventful day 2 say the least...
Started of alrite.. went 2 Lil Jen's graduation~~ the flea infested bastard... she was swarming with lil fly thingies... i dunno... man it was nasty... just lookin at this tiny stumpy girl with all these bugs crawling around... ack... next Christmas i'm gettin that girl a bar of soap n sum shampoo~ :|
N it was gettin stressful thanks 2 Lil Jen.. who manages 2 turn even the smallest outing a stressing event~ :(
But yea finally decide 2 go ct 4 dinner..

Was at Kensington, off Anzac parade, on Todman rd n Kensington rd... at that roundabout.. i was on Todman goin straight... i'm just about 2 exit the roundabout n then WHAM~!! A fucking car slams in the rear left of my car... we spin abit n slide... i turn around just in time 2 see a Mazda Mx6 speed off 2 where i came from.. in the opposite direction... I was gonna chase.. but my car was in no state 2 go off chasing ne1... i just drive bit furthur up n pull over... where lots of nice ppl asked us if we were ok... I'm pretty thankful that we were alrite.. specially Pat cos he was on the left side... just thanking God that he hit the rear left, if i drove abit slower or him abit faster... then he would've slammed rite on Pat.... :(
Had witnesses pulling over n helping out with his license plate number n stuf... but the nicest guy was this man Rubin... He actually chased the car in his Jaguar, n saw them pull in the car park next 2 Phil's house (~!!!!) n then they just ran off on foot.
Turns out... it was a stolen car... reported missing since the 20th... from witnesses, there were 3 wogs in that car, 1 of them a tallish, skinny guy who whipped off his red shirt n then ran off shirtless n in shorts...

Times like this just make u feel that there r good in this world... this guy.. a complete stranger... chased down this fucking asshole 4 me... n then came back several times 2 check up on us...

Also kudos 2 Pat... 4 taking 1 4 the team hardcore... i err.. yea... dun have a license ... but not cos i lost it or nething.. cos it expired thats all.. so when the police came 2 do the statement, he said he was the driver...
Kinda felt guilty... cos like.. it was friday nite... n Nat n Yooke was already in the ct.. n they came back ... n me n Pat were meant 2 go out n blah...
But... i dunno.. its the small things that... kinda get u... like they didnt need 2 come at all.. but they still did... i was pissed off at the wogs but... it was touching... same when every1 nearby was there... i had a large group guarding their abandoned vehicle 2 make sure they dont try 2 come back 4 it... needed it 4 evidence... <: ) i dunno.. i think i hit my head when in the accident...

Spent the nite at Pat's.. cos i missed the last train.. watched Something about Mary ( 1 of my all time favourites.. the Farrelly brothers rock ), Alien 4 the first time eva.. Aliens is also 1 of my all time favourites n i neva seen part 1... then watched Dvd "The Real Cancun"... which was surprisingly good~~ i liked it alot~~ stayed up til 4 am watching it.. blog bout that funny ass movie later...

Enuf of that.. i'll add 2 this later... im experiencing memory loss atm cos of last nite.. so slowly things'll come back 2 me..
its late so i'll blog bout the adventures of yesterday 2molo or sth~ brain not workin 2 well atm~ :(

So... yea... ttyl lor~~~~


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