Thursday, April 29, 2004

Okaay... mels grad... i can't remember all that clearly now come 2 think of it... but yea..
Sat arvo.. went 2 mel's grad at unsw.... just 2 take sum fotos n stuf with her.... mel without braces... looks funny... dark skin + white teeth = Toothpaste commercial...
Once again... after fotos... ppl... just kinda... drifted away from each other.... me n pats there talking... n then we look around n see just little clumps of ppl wandering away in the distance~~ double-u tee eff? wat happened 2 organising where n when 2 meet nowadays~!?
neways... told lil jen we'll meet her in da ct asap... but we were 2 sleep deprived so pretty much went back 2 pats n ko'ed... well.. tried 2 neways...
Jen called later n after sum trademark nagging made us promise 2 get there b4 6.30... 4 sum obscure reason.. seeing that dinner isnt til 7.30...
Arrived at the scene 6.30 only 2 find Big Jen well on her way 2 tipsy... which inspired us 2 go n buy grog...
went out searching... only 2 b led astray by Jane... who's so lost but manages 2 fool u that shes not cos she seems so convinced that she knows wat shes doin... got shitty... abandoned the 2 girls on the side of the road n told them 2 meet at restaurant n went lookin 4 bottle shop ourselves...
finally found 1... n after buyin trademark jim beam... this lil teenage girl with a goatee of swollen red pimples approaches me n asks if i'll buy them a 6 pack of VB... there was also this skinny lookin kid standin on the side lookin sorta awkward or embarrassed... i buy them the beer n say: "U're lucky i promote alcoholism..." they looked at me confused as i just left with a satisfied "good deed of the day" grin..
makes u all warm n bubbly inside dont it..? if only i had ppl buyin me beer when i was a little dickhead.. *sigh*...
neways... dinner... was pretty alrite... the food was really nice... expensive... but nice~ :) altho... i think they did 2 mistakes here... big tables r only good round... not rectangular... cos pretty much kills all convo with the other half of the table... n do not place tvs there... thats 1 thing i love bout asian places... its a big ass round table n every1s together.. sorta... yea..

neways.. fuck dinner. move on2 interesting thing... drinking~!
um... memory loss so yea... not my fault if this post starts gettin random.

spent aaaages tryin 2 convince mel 2 drink with me... had 2 wait 4 her 2 do this.. n that... n even a bloody shower~! yes i am stubborn.. n no i do not take hints... see how my persistance paid off in the end n she was drinking?
but yea.. highlights include tryin 2 play celebrity heads... but pretty much ended up in just us taking fotos of Nat when she has this black "Slut/Skank" scrawled on2 her forehead... we took sum fotos.. n then pretty much left it at that.. didnt bother with nething else... n b4 u guyz go off bout how slack that was... blame Mel~!! she was the 1 that did it~! i just came back with a grinnin Nat n a "Slut" on her forehead..... :|

n we had this friend's friend there.. sum1 i only just met... Michael... the poor bastard... sumhow ko'ed himself EARLY in2 the nite... man i didnt even drink with him yet.. i was playin games... n b4 u know it he's gone...
he was gone in the toilet 4 awhile.. n we thought he was showering cos of the water sounds... but then Nat pointed out 2 the shadow behind the door...
I open the door... n it hits Michael's ko'ed body.. lying against the door... i force myself in... close the taps that were running... n tried 2 pick him up... n goddamn it was like picking up a corpse.. like picking up a sack of potatoes... kinda just slips outta ur fingers... grabbed him by the torso n just hauled him out... n i dunno, i didnt realise... but found out later that his pants weren't on properly... n as i walk him in2 the room.. his pants slid off 2 the ground... flashing every1 with his cute white undies... Hahahaa~~ when i found out bout this i laughed 4 like 15 mins walkin down George st... it was only afterwards that the guilt kinda began 2 sink in~ :(
Sorry Michael~! i had no idea~!! :( :(

Next day just... went 2 all u can eat yumcha... cheap but the food... well u get wat u paid 4... so guess cant complain... n then karaoke with Jane, lil Jen n Chelsea... it was exhausting.. finally got back at Pats bout 3ish... n we both then just dropped dead on his bed n slept til 8.. Nat 4 sum odd reason decided 2 ko with us til then as well~ :|

Neways... now... i've been livin without my car not even 4 1 week yet... n i'm slowly going crazy... i havent been out in ages it seems~~ n fuck me dead it sucks being home.. i just sleep my days away... n once again.. that feeling of being lost... drifting thru my life not doing nething has come back... :( that sinking feeling deep down in the gut that i've been hiding from by being with my friends has finally caught up 2 me now that i'm stuck at home... not being able 2 escape...

I need a smoke... but no car = cant go out.. not even 2 local shops.... :(
i need my car back fast~ 4 the sake of my sanity.... but i think its gunna b at least a month....
6 down... 30 days 2 go....



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