Thursday, June 02, 2005

Monkey's gonna getcha...


Seriously. Enough is enough. Yesterday nearly got robbed... *again*.
Luckily my dad and his friends finished the grog so he went down to the basement for more booze. Our basement can only be accessed from outside the house on the side, because it's more like a one room floor downstairs, if you get what I mean. Anyways, old man goes round to the side, hears some noise and flashes his light to the door just in time to see this skinny white hooligan skamper off like a dirty cockroach.
The fuckwit had enough nerve to do it with a house full of noisy drunk asians! And he full took his time, dismantling the window piece by piece!

*Very* tempted to seriously grab my computer and go live down there. Not cause I want to be the stereotypical albino living in the parent's basement, but to prevent further break ins. And to be a full time sperm donor.
I'd actually hope that one day, one of the faggots will try again while I'm asleep inside. If this happens, so help me God I'll drag the fucker inside kicking and screaming, and rape him.

If hours of sex with an overgrown chimpanzee doesn't deter you from a life of crime, nothing will.

Call it shock therapy.
Call it my contribution to society.
Just don't call the police.



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