Thursday, May 19, 2005

My big brown baby.

Aloha kiddos..
Back again.. after my little absense yet again...
Dunno.. just haven't really been using the net alot lately, apart from at work~ :P
And my little spree of no sleep is finally taking its toll.. I'm finally reverting back to sleeping at 1-2-ish... which is good. Still, I'm quite proud about how long I could withstand sleeping at 4-5am every night and then still making it to work on time~ About two months.. which says alot more about my productivity at work than my stamina~ :P

Life's been pretty routine. Work work work and then come weekend liver abuse.
One gem that I've been missing out on all this time is Verandah bar~!!
Goddamn~! If you haven't been talking to me ( shame on you ) then you missed all the raving and carrying on I've been doing about Verandah bar. Its full of GOLD.
GOLD as in SEX.
Just wandering around with a goofy smile makes the night worth the admission price~ :D

Just a few points why I like the joint:
1. Pretty good music.
2. Packed with asians.
3. Lack of little baby gangstas and co.

Must find more of the same.

Anyways I was taking a dump about a month ago, and it sucked cause I haven't been eating fruits for awhile ( I eat fruit not by choice, but out of necessity ) so as a result it was like shitting rocks.
Rocks that have been cemented together.
But gay thing was, it wasn't like total constipation where they like pebbles and it just spills forth like marbles, there was still some moisture, so it was all packed together.
So I'm sitting there, veins popping outta my fucking face, rectum taut to the point that it feels like it's on the ripping threshold (like an old rubber band, stretches just a bit before snapping), when suddenly, out of the clear blue sky; a thought strikes my mind like bolt of lightning:

"So this must be what its like to be fucked up the ass."

Stunned silence for a few seconds...
Then with a scream of rage and an Arnold-esque "GET OWT!!!!" bellow I launched it all out with no regard to personal safety or hygiene.

That was probably the closest thing to giving birth I'd ever get.
And hope to.

True story.



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