Monday, March 21, 2005

Finding out more details about friday night, and seems like its one of those nights again. Those nights where the next day you think you're alright, but then get told later by friends that you made out with your shoe.

Finding out more and more details about friday night... and its getting scary how much I don't remember. Sometimes you get abso-fucking-lutely demolished. So gone you know and regret it the next few days. But times like last friday are scary because you think you were fine, until people start informing you of the missing gaps.

So far so good. Nothing too bad, well not compared to what I've been up to in the past, but still the suspense is there.
The feeling is like something foreign has kidnapped your body for the night, and now you're investigating what it has been doing in your name.
When your friends think of new stuff you did, you always cringe and brace yourself for whats coming, especially if they get all excited about it.

"Oh oh oh~!!! And guess what else you did??!? *snicker*"

At that point I usually block my ears and bolt away screaming the smurf song.
It really is better not knowing.



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