Saturday, May 28, 2005

Mr Winky needs a muzzle.

Gack.. I must be getting old. One big night out and I feel like shit. I even had a semi-hangover this morning. ME. Hangover. Like wtf?? I used to be immune to that shit~!
But thankfully I remember everything from last night so thats abit odd.

Last week was Michaels bday, which was alot of fun, even though it was a sausage sizzle. :/
During dinner for his bday at Makotos, I had one of those moments again where I wish I wish I knew what to do. Was outside near our table having a smoke, and I notice these two asian girls who kept glancing over, which was odd since they were both sober. They kept stealing looks, and at first I thought I was imagining it, but then it got pretty obvious that even Joyce jumped up and told me excitedly.
Gack... even though they were so honkie.. damn, I'd hit em both in a heartbeat. :P
But me being me, had no idea what to do from then on so just ran off cowardly with penis between legs. :(

The rest of the nights a blur in my brain so I just remember a dark karaoke room singing bad enough to make babies cry and then suddenly my memory detours and I'm at a big white restaurant table with a bowl of congee. Why the fuck did you guys get me fish congee? I don't care about preserved egg. Don't pay attention to what drunks say, they'll eat anything.

Seem to be having random wild mood swings. Everything fine and then suddenly I'm down and need a squeeze-thing to hold. Next minute I'm fuckin fantastic and horny enough to root goats.
Its bad. I think its been too long. I touch alcohol and suddenly I'm fuckin randy beyond belief. I'm surprised I'm not in jail yet sometimes its so bad.
If I'm drinking and suddenly get emotional and need a hug, make sure contact is brief.
If not, be careful; I just might be having sex with your pocket.

You have been warned.

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