Sunday, March 13, 2005

*Phew~* pretty busy weekend...
Friday night I ended up going to that party, and it was actually pretty sweet. The hosts were loaded so in the bar there were free food, free drinks, and free cigars. Score!
And it was set like the mafia gangsta style, tommy guns and top hats for the guys, feather scarves and long stemmed ciggarette holders for the girls, all provided for free of course.
Just being in that room I could literally *smell* money.
Either that or its shower time. *cue MC Hammer*
Free drinks were exploited of course, because I was getting dragged off to Subbies ( Pat bailed ), so me and Nat set ourselves a nice collection of drinks *just* before we were going to leave and then downed the few litres of grog.
Also tried my first cigar. It was like inhaling ash. But just the sheer pleasure of puffing and sucking away on that fat chode was worth it. I felt like young money.

I thoroughly enjoyed subbies for the first time in a loooooong while.. which was surprising because I only went with Nat and Neil. Got introduced to some of Neil's friends later on and bumped into some people I know but it was mainly a small crowd, which makes it even weirder why I enjoyed it so much.
One memorable moment was when I was about to buy Nat a drink at the bar, but I see some guys rock up beside her. They say something to her, not sure what... so I don't buy the drinks yet and see what happens. Sure enough, they ended up buying her drinks. Second score~!!! Huzzah!

Saturday was Yooke's birthday, I slept away most of the day, and then rocked up for dinner at a restaurant that I only know as "The Spanish restaurant with the ship wheel thingy on the door". Was alright but I was too buggered to really enjoy the evening. Crashed early at Pat's ready for the early trek next day to Jamberoo.

Jameroo would've been much better if I went on the water rides, but was recovering from the green apple splatters so I didn't wanna risk it. The place is actually quite small, tiny even. And the tobogganing ( which Pat *still* can't pronounce, after 73 tries ), was half assed. I tried my best to crash but it was apparantly impossible, unless you literally leap off voluntarily.

Had dinner at Pat's uncle place, Bbq. Food was great, and kinda just chilled afterwards because it seemed everyone had a big assignment or test the next day. Highlight was when Scott, Pat's aunt's boyfriend ( who by the way, I met for the first time ), was chatting with me about random goodness, he drags me to a computer ( just me :/ ) and shows me a picture of this weightlifter that literally, shitted his guts out.
What? Well not guts out, but he shitted part of his rectum out, as in, he had his sphincter unravelled outwards with part of his colon hanging out, like a used condom.
Yes luberly. And I will be seeing that image again later when I sleep.
Thanks Scotty. Appreciate it.

Peace out~!



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