Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Fucking quiet day at work today so spent all arvo researching wheels. Again. Chris is trying to sell me what I suspect are Lenso Algis rims... 20" ( yes I know... overkill but bling bling baby... ) with tyres included for $3200. Second hand. Fuck me sideways.
Hmm.. researching now if I should just buy bloody brand new for that price.. but damn websites, no one quotes prices anymore. They realised that if they don't list prices, it forces people to visit their store so they can jump them.
Shit thing is with me being north sider, and with Tempe Tyres out near Mascott, IS Motor Racing ( plug for Chris~ :P ) at Hurstville, and others down south near Cabra... Goddamn I gotta give Sydney a grand tour...
Not Happy.
*Sigh*.. The things I do for my baby.



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