Friday, March 11, 2005

Let me give all you vertically challenged people a friendly reminder:
Put your fucking umbrella down or move the side if you walk under shelter. Thankyou.
If I got a dollar for all the times I've nearly been impaled in the eye by idiots who leave their umbrellas up when walking on pathways, I'll be able to buy a gun. Can't they see me walking towards them? Can't they calculate that the arms of their umbrella directly in line with eyeball?? I'm always turning around a corner and being greeted by the menacing glint of an umbrella spike.

Feeling very blah and lazy right now. Might be dragged off to subbies. Haven't been there in months~! Jebus. I've almost gotten over the mirrored urinals already. Tonight I get to refresh my memory. Huzzah.
Wanting to go home after work ( I know its friday night but I'm gettin old ok? ), when I receive a phone call from Pat. Convo went something like this:
Pat: "So you coming tonight yea?"
Jim: *makes some non-commital grunts*
Pat: "Well, the party at Cruise bar has free drinks, and later we can get free entry into subbies."
Jim: "Alrite alrite I'll go I'll go..."

There you go. Lesson learned. If you want me to attend/do something painful, mention the word "free". Hell, just throw in the word "free" before you hang up.

Bunghole: "So yea just meet mine before six. Oh and yea, free."
10 minutes later at bunghole's place.
Me: "Free what now?"



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