Thursday, March 03, 2005

In "Before Sunset", Ethan Hawke says something along the lines of people generally don't that change much even when something life altering happens to them, such as winning the lottery or getting crippled in an accident. If that person was originally depressed, then he/she'll become a depressed millionaire. If that person was cheerful and happy, then they'll become a joyful cripple.
Thats the most depressing thought I've had in a long time. :/

I highly recommend "Before Sunset". Its not for those with ADD as it is 98.3% dialogue, but it paints a different picture of life, which is why I love these kind of movies, similar to "Sideways". Hollywood normally portrays a dream that reality seldom resembles. It kinda shows ( well to me anyways ) what could've been your life, if things happened differently. I just see too many people ( Asians are most guilty of this ) get married because of family background, or just simply cause they're getting old, not because of any particular desire to do so.



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