Thursday, March 03, 2005

Sometimes reading my previous posts gives me grave concerns for my masculinity. Man-gina here we come.
Kidding. First signs of ovary development will be countered by a trip to a strip bar.

I don't have any premeditated topics for each post except for a few random points I want to rant about, which results in the mess you see in most this blog. And because this has *slowly* turned from an anonymous blog into one that many of my friends visit, I'm still posting alot more personal shite than I really should, even though these thoughts have already been filtered for public viewing ( which is kinda disturbing :\ ). But I just want to let you kids out there know that.. Most blogs are full of crap. What I mean is, lots of trivial matters are blown out of proportion and lots of emotions are emphasised and exaggerated. Blogs are a place to rant and carry on like a little spoilt kid... because for some of us its a release... A way to get frustrating things off our chest by pouring every little stupid thought out of our heads. I'm not saying that I make things up for the hell of it, but simply, sometimes I'll make a big deal about something pez.
Just because I can.

Did any of you bastards watch RoveLive the other night? Ohmybloodygrandmother what in gods holy name was Anna Nicole Smith on?!?? Jesus bloody Christ she was so LOST~!! How did they allow her to be interviewed in that condition??
At first it was kinda funny, because it was just so retarded. But then after awhile.. i dunno.. can't help feeling sorry for her. All these recent events that shes attended and all these scenes she's making. These are all cries for help, but instead, she gets even more invites than ever, in hopes of her antics creating publicity for the show/event. People laugh at her, calling her a washed up bimbo ( which she is VERY GUILTY of ), they laugh and feel better about themselves. But it just seems so sad that.. a person who is probably a depressive, wrecked with drugs, made a fool in front of the whole world... has no friends good enough to give her guidance and bitchslap her to the real world.
I guess in the end the publicists win. Because here I am, talking about RoveLive and Anna Nicole Smith, which was pretty much what they set out to achieve in the first place.

hmm.. kinda forgot what I wanted to blog about... :/

Peace out.


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