Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Happy valentines everybody... although I'm a few days off... hope you girls got spoilt rotten and i hope you guy's wallets recover soon.
I swear, valentines is the biggest rort. Yes you girls love it because you all get to be pampered and spoilt, but have you ever thought about us the guys??
Its a bloody crazy marathon from day to nite.. and it takes weeks in the planning sumtimes... and not to mention the damage it does to our bank accounts~!! Its unholy~!!!
In other countries ( I forgets... either Japan or Korea ) the focus is on guyz, or at least later on theres another special occasion that lets us kick back and relax while you girls do the work... but in Australia we get nothing~!! What ever happened to equality between the sexes~??? Not fair.

Mine just seemed like any other day. Spent $550 on new HID xenon lights for my car, and my god it looks bloody good. Ups the class of the car instantly. So I've officially became another one of those idiots on the road with retina-searing headlights. Huzzah!
Me and Nat was seeing who can get a date for valentines first, started about a week ago. We both fail miserably and she cheats last minute and asks ME to do something. Did nothing much. Shovelled more ice cream than i had in a year into my face and then watched "Million dollar baby"..
That is all.

Last week was Phils birthday, and all of my hopes were shattered. :(
Seeing as he is one of the *only* other single male friends I have left, I would've thought he'll take this perfect opportunity to try to grab as many single girls as he can into his party; which was meant 2 be in a hotel.. Turns out, its a penis-party and no hotel, just karaoke. I guess it wasn't that bad... probably cos the booze was free. :P

Yooke Jang's finally back from her prison in Korea, so welcome back Yooke~!!
Was drinking at Pats last nite, the good old four of us, cept Nathalie was too good for us and refused to drink. Seemed content to eavesdrop on us while she plays Ragnarok. But yea, later on, i decide that Pat and Yooke prolly need some time alone, so i sneak out of the house, aided of course by the parrot. Nearly got away until the Korean and Pat started jamming random limbs and bodyparts in front of my tires. After having a hellish day at work due to sleep deprivation I think i should've just called their bluff.
Yes work was beyond painful. Was only able to stand up due to constantly refilling body with caffeine and nicotine, and even then I was straining just to even smile at customers. Reason being once again I got screwed over and Nat dragged my hairy ass out to some random beach to sober up...
Why o why do people keep dragging me to cliffs and beaches when I'm drunk~?! Is it cos this is the only time i'd agree to go~?!?! Seriously~! This foolishness has got to END~!!! >:(
Was freeeeezing my nuts off... ask her if she's cold... she chirps cheerfully "Nope i got a thick jacket~~~"
Bloody terrific. I'm in short shorts, a tee and no shoes. Why I wasn't wearing shoes is anyones guess.

So thanks to the drinking without eating dinner and the freezing beach thingy, today at work i was not only sleep deprived, but had a runny nose and crazyass diarrhoea.
Felt like the Apocalypse was coming outta my ass.

This is such a shit post. Sorry.
I'm *very* tired still.. i should really call it a night... I'd improve by tomolo.. i promise... I got pics to upload but i just can't be bothered atm.. :(



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