Tuesday, March 01, 2005

This article was in todays Sydney Morning Herald Radar section:

"A man and a woman engaged in sex in Illinois, the man being careful not to have intercourse (unbeknown to the woman, he was married). However, during an oral sexual act in which he was arguably the receiver (more on that argument later), the woman secretly retained the man’s sperm and impregnated herself with it at some later time. Two years hence, she hit him with a DNA-supported paternity suit, the man counter suing for “theft” of his sperm. The court’s ruling?

"…when plaintiff 'delivered' his sperm, it was a gift - an absolute and irrevocable transfer of title to property from a donor to a donee. There was no agreement that the original deposit would be returned upon request.""

Its official.
Women just got scarier.

Thanks for all the people that came to my sunday bbq, even thought the thick clouds were glaring over us threatening all day long, it turned out to be a nice cool dry day. I hope you all had a good time and enjoyed the food, and extra kudos to Tom, Chog and Jason, who I shirked the responsibility of cooking on to. :P
Side note: You peoples gonna have to learn to mingle more~! I'm not gonna hold your hand through it; go and socialise~!!
Anna, Michael and co. I'm talking about you guys~!!! Btw Anna, I am still reeling from the blow of finding out once and for all that you are, in fact taller than me. :O~
Jean, Alicia and Miyuki... I don't even know where you guyz were half the time, but thanks for coming on short notice anyways. Sorry for the mix up, I was disappointed the two sexy bootilicious James and Andy couldn't make it. Also shame to see that you girls still up there on the snobby factor~ :P Muahaha~

The boys.. haii... I just don't know anymore. I really don't believe in letting friendships go that easily, but its just becoming so... exhausting. Just seems so sad that those I once considered close friends.. that I thought I could rely on, degenerated to something like this. At times I feel that things have improved, but then some other days they revert back to their childish ways. Its come to the point that I feel that things can never go back to the way they were. More than that, if I try to play the peacemaker, it almost seems that they read that as me in a way grovelling back, which couldn't be furthur from the truth.
It seems more apparant to me now more than ever that, friends are... just a temporary situation. If you view them all as just people to hang with when you're bored, then its all the better for you. You won't have to wake up to the hard slap of reality that no matter how much you're concerned bout them when they're in need, don't expect the same courtesy in return.

Thats probably why I declared 2005 a year to be selfish. If you just focus on your needs and what you want, you won't be dissappointed by anyone. Nowadays I'm thinking those networking people were right all along, having a massive orgy of acquaintances to call upon rather than a small tight group of friends.

Or mebbe I just need a girlfriend to pour all my emotions and affection into.
Most probably that.
And if my theory of the more you invest the harder you fall is true, then expect to see my mug splashed on news fronts across the nation if I ever get dumped:

"Frenzied Asian terrorises chinatown. Six people mauled. Rabies alert set to orange."


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