Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Wow.. blogger has updated... now i got colour~! huzzah~!
neways... goddamn i've been neglecting this space like crazy ~~
but yea.. bout that Blu mts trip...

thing is...
it was blurry 2 begin with n now its just a hazy mess in my brain...
but yea... sum highlights... the 1s that i recall neways..
driving up 2 the blu mts is always sweet as... nice cruise... altho not much fun chasing down the 200sx... Chris drives like miss daisy 97% of the time so i wasnt worried bout losing the nissan... i still got the s behind me...
every now n then Chris gets a little adventurous so then its me redlining all the way chasing a small yellow blur zippin off in2 the distance...

We get there n immediately try 2 start a fire goin.. but thing is... speak of making a fire n then suddenly all the guyz revert back 2 Neanderthal instincts.. got like 7 dickheads fightin over the rite way 2 make a fire..
trick is 2... wait til they just get bored.... after failin 4 bout the 20th time they'll just go back 2 telly.. then u move in n do sumthin constructive...

Main highlight... apart from gettin plastered:
We were having a few drinks when Ken sticks his head out the door n says "Its snowing~!!"
Ken being Ken we didnt listen 2 much in2 his ramblings... until Bunko realised that it actually was snow fallin down~!
we get in2 the drinkin... n 2 hrs later.... outside.... was thick, fresh, soft powder~! sooo fuckin nice~! specially 4 Wilma the deprived ass who neva seen snow~!!
Here sum fotos..
Have at u:

B4... The S, the 200... n of course... Jemyma... :)

After: Chris n his S2000

^Writing my name in snow... when I'm so drunk that even gettin Mr Winky outta his home was an achievement in itself....

Me n Than after the drunken snowball fite... me still very... very drunk....


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