Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Yes, i'm still alive~!! if just barely...
ppl really need 2 stop comin n going overseas... its doing serious harm 2 my internal organs~! Body feels... gungy...
need.... 2.... detox...
... or get drunk...

ahh crap... was meant 2 post all this stuf that happened up... but now its just a hazy blur in my brain..
fuck it...

but yea... the 2 weeks b4 was bit nutty... there was sth on nearly every nite... farrk.. 8-9 days continuously.... that nearly drilled me... started feeling more n more like shit... but thankfully... i've semi-recovered now...

Meeting new ppl... but with... hmm... questionable backgrounds...
Dude: ".. so Jim... wat does ur family do..?"
Jim: ".. my family..? oh, we ow-"
Grace: "Wholesaling... they do wholesaling... dont u Jim?"
Jim: "Yea we do... that n-"
Grace: "HEY JIM WANT ANOTHER DRINK? Here come here i have a story 2 tell u~!"
n then she whispers 2 me that i shouldn't let others know my family background... i ask y, dont she trust her friends... n she goes that she dont know all of them that well...
then she just spun around n went back 2 playin drinking games... leaving me sitting there feeling kinda odd n confused.
... kinda... put a cloud over an otherwise funny-as-shit nite...
o wellz... they all get drunk with me, even the girls ( who r niiiiiiice~~ :D:D:D ) r quite willing 2 ko with me...
... but... i really hate that... it seems that the asians that actually know how 2 have fun n go nuts on weekends always have sum affliation with sum gang... just... blah... fuck that... hate it when that happens.
every new group i meet always seem 2 hit a brick wall 4 sum reason or another.. o wellz.. meet new ppl good enuf 4 now...

Than came back from london.. but he's leaving 4 hong kong on thurs... n this time who knows how long he staying there... o wellz... the bastard left me hangin on 2 occasions already~
Who the fuck goes home when they think they're drunk~?!?! Gah!

Had a few drunk casualties.. so methinks that we r gettin a pretty bad rep at Greenbox n Big echo...
"Great... the drunks r here again..."
o wellz... time 2 raid Neway~! huzzah~!

I'll post a more nowadays... hopefully things'll calm down abit... my liver, lungs n wallet r all broke...

1 mad highlight was the blue mountains trip... i'll post bout it laters... just leave u with this pic of my lil Jemyma tryin her best 2 chase down the 200sx n the S...

Turns out.. 140km/hr is NOT my cars top speed... as stated by Mitsubishi Australia...
it clocked a 160km/hr... which is VERY impressive 4 a 69kw, 1.5L Lancer bearing a full load of dicks n luggage...

I want a new car. :(




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