Friday, July 02, 2004

Well yea kinda realised... so much 4 promises of shorter posts~ :P
Last nite... aww goddamn... had a very enjoyable evening of kissing wrinkly chinese politicions asses...
Bout 40 politicions from China raided my house last nite... n my family, being Taiwanese, scurried around like rodents serving the Chinese... the way Mao intended...
*haii~~* o wellz... scary thing is.. i don't mind at all.. i am a material girl.. i'll french Donald Trump's sphincter if it led 2 sum business opportunities~~

Neways... Pat n Nat gone now... had a farewell drinking/karaoke nite with them last nite.. so i'm thoroughly sleep deprived at work... as usual. I blame the Korean... She wanted 2 go Maloneys... at 3am on a thurs morn~ :/
They've gone 4 bout 8 hrs now... n i think i'm already suffering from withdrawal symptons... whos gonna go clubbing with me now~?!!? whos gonna go karaoke with me~?!?!? whos gonna FUCKIN DRINK WITH ME NOW~?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Yooke still here but... ack. I'm stuck with the korean who likes 2 abuse me~ :(
2molos gonna b my last taste of alcohol 4 awhile now... my sisters bday... at Kings cross sumwhere~ :/ no idea..
but omg~! whos gonna take care of me when i'm spewing outta my nose?? who's gunna make sure i don't drown myself in the loo~?? where am i gunna sleep when i'm demolished..?!? n whos gonna tuck me in bed~!?!???!

:( :( :( :~(
not happy jan~ >:(

i'm prolly gonna b spending my weekends now hiding in bed, curled up in foetal position eating glass.

cos i got nutin beta 2 do... :|


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