Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Farrk... What happened..?
I missed out on my own birthday.... again~!
seems like a true tradition now... at least now... when i always tell ppl that its tradition 2 ko on ur bday... now i can show that i'm a man of my word~~ :)

But yea... i dont enjoy myself much at ne of my bday parties... cos i usually end up runnin around tryin 2 do a million things so ppl just stand around awkward.. they dont fuckin mingle dammit~!!
Whats wrong with u ppl~?!?!??! go n chat 2 sum1~!! grab sum drinks~!! do sth~!!!! standing around like a bunch of statues while i run around doin stuf n still tryin 2 squeeze in drinks with ppl...

But yea... apart from that... i dont remember nething.
At all.
My memory has been completely cut off from bout 11 til... believe it or not... next day noon...
i dunno but that morning is *really* hazy 2 me 2.... i was *definately* still intoxicated til after Yumcha with the survivors...

I ended up as Ronald McDonald... n i thought i looked pretty scary... til i saw Stuart as an evil clown... :/
thought nothing'll top that til i saw Pat as Betty from The Flintstones...
.... so scary... n 4 so many reasons....

Pat beta b scared... thats a pretty potent looking thrust manoeuvre...

I wish i could say more bout my party... but i dont remember at all... i had 2 piece together lil stories from every1....
apparantly... i was a *very* violent clown..
very angry clown 4 sum odd reason or another... particularly 2 Chog n weenie... n i think even Tomusan got attacked at sum point~ :P
Moral of the story: When a drunk clown tells u 2 drink with him,

O wellz... if u're bored on the weekends gimme a buzz cos yea.. i feel rorted cos i dont remember jack shit that nite.. so i'll b organising a few events 2 drill the excess grog that we have left....
this time.. no shitty birthday 2 get outta the way... just drinking games~ :)

Left to right: Yooke "Fred Flintstone", Nat "The little mermaid", Tim "Casper the angry ghost", Ching "Nymph", Tomusan "Harlem Globetrotter", Azuu "Asuka" from Evangelion, Dodo "Pocahontas", Stuart "Evil Clown", Bec as sumthin i can't remember :P, Weenie "Sum jap chess player", Me "Ronald McDonald, Pat "Betty" from Flintstones, Big Jen "Wilma Flintstone", Mel "Fred Flintstone" and Aunty Grace as the "Blair Witch"...

... i'm so lucky Grace don't know bout this blog~ :P

Peace Out~!

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Wow.. blogger has updated... now i got colour~! huzzah~!
neways... goddamn i've been neglecting this space like crazy ~~
but yea.. bout that Blu mts trip...

thing is...
it was blurry 2 begin with n now its just a hazy mess in my brain...
but yea... sum highlights... the 1s that i recall neways..
driving up 2 the blu mts is always sweet as... nice cruise... altho not much fun chasing down the 200sx... Chris drives like miss daisy 97% of the time so i wasnt worried bout losing the nissan... i still got the s behind me...
every now n then Chris gets a little adventurous so then its me redlining all the way chasing a small yellow blur zippin off in2 the distance...

We get there n immediately try 2 start a fire goin.. but thing is... speak of making a fire n then suddenly all the guyz revert back 2 Neanderthal instincts.. got like 7 dickheads fightin over the rite way 2 make a fire..
trick is 2... wait til they just get bored.... after failin 4 bout the 20th time they'll just go back 2 telly.. then u move in n do sumthin constructive...

Main highlight... apart from gettin plastered:
We were having a few drinks when Ken sticks his head out the door n says "Its snowing~!!"
Ken being Ken we didnt listen 2 much in2 his ramblings... until Bunko realised that it actually was snow fallin down~!
we get in2 the drinkin... n 2 hrs later.... outside.... was thick, fresh, soft powder~! sooo fuckin nice~! specially 4 Wilma the deprived ass who neva seen snow~!!
Here sum fotos..
Have at u:

B4... The S, the 200... n of course... Jemyma... :)

After: Chris n his S2000

^Writing my name in snow... when I'm so drunk that even gettin Mr Winky outta his home was an achievement in itself....

Me n Than after the drunken snowball fite... me still very... very drunk....