Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Wow.. its christmas~ :| I neva saw it coming... :|
its so sudden this year.. n i dunno what happened... but i have virtually no christmas spirit this year~! usually i'm in a pretty good mood n very in2 the spirit of things.. but this year... im just tired~ :| i think i rushed the shoppin 2 much.. n panicking runnin around like a headless chook lookin 4 pressies~ :|
But now that its all over n xmas eve is 2molo... kinda relaxing now at home n its starting 2 sink in... <:) at long bloody last~!!
Been doin a retarded amount of shoppin lately... n i am so broke now... so i cant wait til the xmas party 2molo nite where i can just kick back n relax abit n concentrate on getting drunk~ :) i have been sober way 2 long..
Fuck u pat~! now im gettin drunk like twice a week if im lucky~! Pok gai~!!
O wellz... i guess i just gotta fully get wiped out 2molo 2 make up 4 things..
Short post cos im buggered~~ haii~ long day~ :( explain more laters~~
I watched Elf... aiya... painful... painful 2 watch.... :|
neways.. me gone~! n if i dun do a post last min 2molo nite ( which i highly doubt i will ) then
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE~!! Hope u all have a good n safe christmas~! :D:D:D:D


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