Friday, December 19, 2003

Wow.. woke up at 4pm 2day... talk about shocking.. :| :|
Not my fault... got sprung last nite.. well this morn... 5am got home... didnt drive car inside cos garage'll b 2 noisy.. so just parked in driveway... *sloooowly* opened the flyscreen, n ever so gently slide the key in the door... slowly twisting until the dull *thock* sound... pushed the door slowly... slowly.... took like 5 mins slowly open.... was near open when from upstairs i hear my mum "Who is it?"
i thought "Mahfucka~!" n kicked the door open walked in casually. Copped a mini lecture then but she didnt have the energy n i can play them like soft putty~ muahahaha~! ;)
o wellz... 4 sum dumbass reason i decided 2 read once i got home... 4 2 hrs... slept at 7am... :| haii~ o wellz..

Yea wellz.. was at my cuz's place... just us 2... doing sum.... "gardening".... n ahaha goddamn~~~ its been ages since the last time... faark~~ took 1 each... n then went shoppin 4 munchies... fark.. was at woolworths thinkin "hahaha~ these ppl.. they dont suspect a thing~! Heeheehee~!!" n then waltzed out... in the carpark i sed 2 tom... "Hahah goddamn man.. u act pretty straight..." he goes 2 me "yea u 2 man.. pity ur face is fucken purple"
Look in the mirror n OMG ITS ATTACK OF LOBSTER MAN~!!!
Shiit... fucken hell.. i go red when drinkin fair nuff... but wit this shit??? goddamn`! o wellz~
Went back, took a few more.. n then just chillin watchin videos n chattin... he only had 1 computer left so no lanning~ n he has no games n shit...
u mite b thinking.. games? wat r u.. an idiot? but i'm tellin u... when u play games like this.... FUck man U R IN DA GAME~!!
First time i played a game like Counterstrike whilst err.... happy.... i waved my gun around feebly... n wheeeeee i've got a machine gun~!! goddamn u really feel like u're in the game.. n after happily running around 4 awhile ( i believe i thought i was *skipping*... n i was humming 2... ).. Ray jumps out n sprays me with bullets~!
I scream "OMG U SHOT ME~!!!!!" n then ran off n hid in a lil corner whimpering...
he found me n drilled me...
after that kinda just lost the plot runnin round on a giggling killing spree...

where was i? but yea.. ppl ask wats it like... its like.... funny...
U're so mellow n happy... every1s smiling every's happy... u neva get nausea, dizzyness or headaches n hangovers like alcohol... but its just as nice... nicer mebbe... cos everything is FUCKEN FUHNEE BEYOND ALL REASON.. n funny things starts 2 happen... like ur left foot suddenly gets heavier than ur rite.. so u're limping.. or ur toe starts talking 2 u....
hmmm... just me?
Funny shit nevertheless~


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