Thursday, December 11, 2003

MEL THE BASTARD!!! Goddamn.. *note 2 self... change password asap~!!*

Man.. computer fucking up so havent been posting.. i'll try 2 do sum more later...

Goddamn... was drinkin wit pat at his place last nite ( da 2 amigoes )... random conversation n toasts... we came 2 the conclusion that... dying is bad... so don't do it... this was after hearing bunkos story bout sum drunken asshat that died after drinkin on his balcony n pking... we were on the balcony cos didnt wanna wake up pat's family so yea... scary..

Woke up this morning, n goddamn fuck me dead my right testicle was KILLING ME~!! Jesus christ ~! its sooooo sore~~ even now~ omg.. n its 2.40am... spent all day walkin in pain n when i sit, i gotta sit down ever so gently, gently laying my lil eggs 2 rest on the chair...
Mr winky is in agony~ :(

Neways... sum quick summaries of wats been happening... bit hard cos the past week has just been a strange yellow blur... days n weeks melt 2gether n i have no concept of time...

Tues, got drunk, thurs got drunk, n fri... I did the impossible... i got drunk on Passion Pop... OMG~!!! i cant believe it~!! We were outta drinks cept the vodka n since i dont touch that nasty shit... only choice was Pp~! I wasnt even meant 2 get drunk~! i had work next day~! fucken hell~! but yea~~ i remember playin all the stupid silly asian drinking games... n then gettin really hot n needing a break.. i closed my eyes... n when i opened them again ... FUCK every1's gone~!!! my sis n her friends were still there n i asked "Where's the party~?!"
Asshole sister: "What? They left AGES ago~!!"
Super munki majik: "WTF? How come no1 told me~?!??"
Bitchy violent sister: "U said goodbye 2 them u idiot~!!"
Went 2 bed at 3am... woke up 5am with hangover... cant get back 2 sleep, had work n then at nite had a VERY UNSUCCESSFUL FAREWELL 2 POOF COS OF THE GIRLS~!!!!!!!!!! All of them bailed the bastards~! OMG~!! cept Chris n Tamara... they rock~ :)

Even tho.. chris is a small lil black girl who claims 2 b asian n wouldnt look out of place on a harley davidson ( if they make kid sized ones that is... ).. Tamara on the other hand is a gweilo who always has a lil secretive smile as if ur fly's undone n shes happy 2 let u walk around all day not knowing...
N if i think about it... i cant... really... remember tamara's voice at all... :| she barely says 2 words~! im serious~! chris goes off like crazy baboon n cant get that lil thing 2 shut up n yet her gf is totally the opposite~! Tamara~! its ok 2 talk 2 me lor~~ im not as scary as i look~ im a pretty friendly guy~~ :D drunk.. but friendly... or was it friendly cos of being drunk..? i cant tell nemore...

where the fuck am i going with all this? i have no idea.. but its gettin late so yea.. i'll make it fast... so yea.. sat nite just had a boys nite... havin a poker nite, blew up my spa sumhow... gettin that fixed...

I'll post more laters cos FUCKEN i cant stand the dull throbbing pain that is my right testicle atm~!! Im gunna go 2 bed full starfish.... its getting worse~! OMG~! if i prod it with my finger, OMG it feels like its in a clamp~!
Make it stop~!!! im tempted 2 resort 2 DIY amputation~!!
I think with my virile manhood i should b able 2 produce enuf sperm with 1 dim sim left....



*Attacks testicles with screwdriver*


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